I loved your priest one, will give this a try aswell!
Also you planing on a Druid one? for moonkin? a lot of people have been asking for it! ez cash![]()
I have two problem
extreme fps drop and it attacks anybody even I turned off auto attack.
check it out and fix it plz
Would buy if there is the option to do Combustion only in burst mode, or just manual (and Rune too) #
Had 3 Mobs to kill short before the boss...he does combustion automatic and there was a 2 min cooldown while we tried to kill the boss...
trying it with a frost mage running questbot, seems like it wont use time wrap? or maybe i missed something in the setting?
There is no settings for "time wrap". This is a very long CD and usually must be casted by hand.
I will add some more option for combustion and hotkey for manual cast asap.
bad, I do not like
He tries to use the pillar of fire and can not and freezes, and then he is killed
[COLOR=#000000] AmrMageFireDefault1 Spell Bloodlust[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] AmrMageFireDefault1 Spell FlameOn if not CanUse(FireBlast) and ((CooldownSecRemaining(Combustion) > 40 + KindlingAdjustment(2)) or FightSecRemaining < CooldownSecRemaining(Combustion))[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] AmrMageFireDefault1 Spell FireBlast if HasBuff(HeatingUp) and CooldownSecRemaining(Combustion) - KindlingAdjustment(2) > SpellCooldownSec(FireBlast)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] Cooldowns Spell TimeWarp if HasItem(ShardOfTheExodar) and not HasBuff(Bloodlust) and HasBuff(Combustion)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] Cooldowns Spell RuneOfPower if not HasBuff(Combustion) and
(CooldownSecRemaining(Combustion) <= SpellCastTimeSec(RuneOfPower) or
(ChargeSecRemaining(RuneOfPower) < CooldownSecRemaining(Combustion) - KindlingAdjustment(2)) or
FightSecRemaining < BuffDurationSec(RuneOfPower) + SpellCastTimeSec(RuneOfPower))[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] Cooldowns Spell Combustion Cooldown
Save for AoE
targets = 3
radius = 8
Estimated Cooldown = LearnedValueAverage(CombustionCooldown)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] MultiTarget Spell Flamestrike if HasBuff(HotStreak)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] MultiTarget Spell DragonsBreath if HasItem(DarcklisDragonfireDiadem)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] MultiTarget Spell LivingBomb[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] MultiTarget Spell PhoenixsFlames[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] MultiTarget Spell Flamestrike if TargetsInRadius(Flamestrike) > 5[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] SingleTarget Spell Pyroblast if HasBuff(HotStreak) or HasBuff(MarqueeBindingsOfTheSunKing)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] SingleTarget Spell PhoenixsFlames if HasBuff(Combustion) or ChargesRemaining(PhoenixsFlames) = SpellCharges(PhoenixsFlames) or FightSecRemaining < CooldownSecRemaining(Combustion)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] SingleTarget Spell DragonsBreath if HasItem(DarcklisDragonfireDiadem)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] SingleTarget Spell FireBlast if HasBuff(Combustion)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000] AmrMageFireDefault1 Spell Scorch if HasItem(KoralonsBurningTouch) and TargetHealthPercent < 0.25[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT="] AmrMageFireDefault1 Spell Fireball[/FONT][/COLOR]