A normal conpany would have gave notice of such a major change, thats what bothers me. I don't want to pay per month especially since its not auto renewal and you have to buy each month (on top of being more costly). If I buy a year tomorrow, they could say a few months ago, sorry we cannot honor year keys, and say pay again. On my buddy auth i have 7 lifetime sessions for wow alone, i have six more lifetime sessions not attatched to my auth account because when i bought them there was no buddystore it didnt matter.
Do i mind buying a new key? No. i got my moneys worth. Am i happy about the horrible tactics I just saw today? No. does it make me think about deleting honorbuddy perm? Yes, they obviously don't give one shit about us. Forum support has tanked and if they cared about us they would have given us a few weeks or so to get ready for a big change.