You need to adjust default raid settings by your parameters of stats, tactic your party use for concrete fight, and raid party specific (count of members, type of other healers) and your role your raid leader gave for you.
So you can come to more optimal, when u got results for some raids and can see and do analysis of statistic for your raid results.
For example if with default settings you have left many mana, you may want to increase min HP settings for healing skills - to get them use more often.
Same for use on min count (heal targets) of ppl other healing spells, depending on how many ppl in raid with you.
For example for renewing mist, check how many free charges for it you in general - if you have to many of it most the time, decrease requirements of min count of ppl (healing targets) to use it.
Revival, i recommend to use manually for serious raids, depending on what order your raid leader tell you to use it, to have most efficient and synchronicity with other healers in your raid.
-> should be always used 2 times for each fight. If you not using it enough you loose ~10-12% of total HPS.
For PVE talents i mostly can recommend consider changing 90 lvl talent (1 and 2) depending of fight type:
Tiger should be default choice and used in 90% fights, when Rushing Jade Wind only in fights where you and your group are standing in together on most aoe phases like Gorefiend.
For 30 lvl talent - chi wave is default choice, and for 100 lvl - pool of mists have to be all the time.
For glyphs must have is:
Situational: - for fights where you need to do dispel as well.
Also for talents, i'd recommend you to read guides for fights and forums for healers and monks in concrete, so you can see what monks ppl recommend and test it by yourself, it's best way.
Also if you want to have best result, make sure your goal if to get 4T Set bonus, as it will give you ~25% HPS increase.
For stats prior: Maximize your MultiStrike than Crit (you need to have
at least 30% unbuffed for first one and 15% for second).
Basic sites for all class i recommend to read: (+
+you may want to analysis top monk heals from ranking:
which talents/glyphs they use for which fight, to get best result. which equip they use and what stats of main parameters they have. It will require some time to filter out ppl, but it can give you some advance too.