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Is LazyRaider/Tyrael Detectable?

Dod you think that LazyRaider/Tyrael are detectable in some form by Blizzard?

  • LazyRaider/Tyrael are not, alone, detectable

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LazyRaider/Tyrael are detectable in some way

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i think the best example would be the pvp trinket, the blizzard-server could be able to log your reaction time, like for instance if a human uses the trinket it normally needs a second or half of a second to use it, but the bot could do it in 0.1 or 0.2 ms, numbers like that, compared with the median of players who use the trinket this could be huge difference, so in that way their could be 2 median numbers generated by the server to track down a bot-ish reaction time?
bot: ~ 0.1-0.5 ms
real player: ~0.5-?? ms / some even dont use the trinket or even very late, so it can take up to multiple seconds

so the server could be able to mark you as unnormal reaction time, after some hours, or sth. like that, i even think this method wouldnt need much power to calculate, so its easily done in the background, and then a gm or sth. reviews your case and decides wether to ban or not
Most of the ban threads I see regarding tyrael/pvp involve framelocking. I haven't seen any bans without it.. I leave it off for this reason.. Any comments?
i think the best example would be the pvp trinket, the blizzard-server could be able to log your reaction time, like for instance if a human uses the trinket it normally needs a second or half of a second to use it, but the bot could do it in 0.1 or 0.2 ms, numbers like that, compared with the median of players who use the trinket this could be huge difference, so in that way their could be 2 median numbers generated by the server to track down a bot-ish reaction time?
bot: ~ 0.1-0.5 ms
real player: ~0.5-?? ms / some even dont use the trinket or even very late, so it can take up to multiple seconds

so the server could be able to mark you as unnormal reaction time, after some hours, or sth. like that, i even think this method wouldnt need much power to calculate, so its easily done in the background, and then a gm or sth. reviews your case and decides wether to ban or not

Dood you dont think blizz would ban all bots do you it would kill there subs by 20% and most server economys they ban in small waves what does it tell you :confused:
Just remember Blizz do have a magic button to detect all of us, its happened in the past month three times. Bot safe, most people that get banned do so using Gatherbuddy not just Lazyraider alone. Take everything you read here with a grain of salt.
They cant fix hunter pets on immersius still and you still believe about the magic button?Good for you.The thing is they dont realise without bots that game would be dying badly but whatever.
I know a few peoples who use Tyrael for PvP and/or PvE and none of them (including me got banned) only one friend was banned and he was using PQR.
As the author of Tyrael, I might be a tad biased ofcourse. But let me first and foremost state to you that I will do anything within my power to make my products as safe as possible. A few notes which might let you guys reconsider or take into account with your final judgement:

* There are at average 4600 unique Tyrael users per day.
* My routine has an average of 606 unique users per day - No ban reports include my routine as the used routine.
* I know quite a few Tyrael users who are botting as we speak - Also there are no ban reports from users in my Skype list.
* If you look at the most bans reported, quite a few all of them have the words PQR, PQI or ProbablyEngine written all over them.
The rotations are too perfect. Always hitting the same spells in a row and having such quick reaction time must be a problem. That is, IF the bot can't be detected. Perhaps we'd be better off if there was some variance, slower reaction times or intentional errors to make us look more human when running Tyrael / LR and a CR. Surely that's how blizzard busted PQR?
The rotations are too perfect. Always hitting the same spells in a row and having such quick reaction time must be a problem. That is, IF the bit can't be detected. Perhaps we'd be better off if there was some variance, slower reaction times or intentional errors to make it look more human.
There are quite a few legit players who can do the same. While I agree we are fast, the rotations itself shouldn't be the problem. It has been said before, but I think instant interrupts is more of a risk as that is very visual for anyone and I guess easy to track for Blizzard. Might be more stuff, like instant pop pvp trinket when stunned or something ...
There are quite a few legit players who can do the same. While I agree we are fast, the rotations itself shouldn't be the problem. It has been said before, but I think instant interrupts is more of a risk as that is very visual for anyone and I guess easy to track for Blizzard. Might be more stuff, like instant pop pvp trinket when stunned or something ...

I'm one of those players who can pull off a perfect rotation. I've been playing since 2004, however on that note my wrists and fingers cannot take the button smashing any longer. 10 years of playing this game will take a toll on your hands which is why I choose to have this do the rotation for me. BTW NOMNOMNOM, TY for making such a good botbase. I have been a supporter of yours since you first came out with it.
I believe you, I really do. But the problem is, there is no activity that has been seen as resulting in a ban/suspension, including GB, that I don't see SOMEONE saying "I've been running that for months with no problem." So why then can one person bot day after day for months with no problem while another person gets suspended hours after engaging in the same activity? Player reports? Suspicious accounts that get greater scrutiny? I think these account for some, but not all of these suspensions/bans. The others...no idea. But one plausible solution is that Blizz' detection capabilities are greater than they are given credit for (and, of course, no one knows exactly what those capabilities are), and at times that they feel it necessary or expedient, they use those capabilities more. Ban waves are WAVES. Player reports don't just mysteriously spike.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this myself. Why do some people get banned fast and some never seem to get banned ?
Like you say, ban waves are ban waves and i find it hard to belive blizzard would look at some accounts and go: Hey, we know he botted his ass off but his account looks good and he's been paying for the past years. Lets ignore him, he can continue to bot. Do you honestly belive that yourself ?

I've actually tried to get banned before, 35 hours straight GB, nothing.
I've had at least a 100+ people call me bot in dungeons/lfr, been kicked so many times for it. Granted all of them probably didn't bother to report me but some must have.

Im still here botting, did 10 hours of dungeonbuddy yesterday, 100% afk. 1 whisper saying im bot.
Nomnom... One thing I am curious about ... I notice the bit will keep trying to cast against a target that he isn't facing. For example, Thokk... When boss fixates and I run away, bit will keep trying to attack and it does look funny. I quickly hit escape to de select the target. But in other fights sometimes bit will re target (if I take damage I guess, not sure why).
The rotations are too perfect. Always hitting the same spells in a row and having such quick reaction time must be a problem. That is, IF the bot can't be detected. Perhaps we'd be better off if there was some variance, slower reaction times or intentional errors to make us look more human when running Tyrael / LR and a CR. Surely that's how blizzard busted PQR?

Thankfully there are so many factors that get in the way of you (or a bot) pressing a button on your computer and that command it making it to the server that perfection is not possible. The best any developer could hope for is finding a group of players with fast reactions or a high action-per-minute count.
That means it's detected! So guys, either it is or it isn't stop all the back and forth. if they can scan it, then that means yes it IS detected doesn't it?

IF they can scan / detect it, certainly there would be a way for us / players / developers etc. to SEE that we are being scanned.

Its so simple....
If HB was detectable we all (including myself) would currently be banned and everyone would know was detectable.

And if blizzard was scanning memory, you would see a banwave of glider proportions which hasnt happened yet.
What you see is people using a bot that announces itself to blizzard servers as an addon....the author of it should be shoot on sight lol...
Nomnom... One thing I am curious about ... I notice the bit will keep trying to cast against a target that he isn't facing. For example, Thokk... When boss fixates and I run away, bit will keep trying to attack and it does look funny. I quickly hit escape to de select the target. But in other fights sometimes bit will re target (if I take damage I guess, not sure why).
That really is an issue with the routine. That specific routine should implement a line-of-sight or range check before casting :). Or if its melee, do a Me.IsSafelyFacing(Me.CurrentTarget).

And use ALT+X instead of escaping ;). It'll pause the bot, then when you want to attack again, ALT+X again :).
I'm not saying Tyrael is detectable, it is entirely plausible that I got reported by someone who just didn't like me in an LFR, but I got banned today and all I EVER did with Honorbuddy was use Tyrael(with no crazy interrupts) to raid.
Quick question when you pause Tyrael and it says its paused or resumed in your chat, is that all client side? From what I read PQI was basically announcing itself. Tyrael isn't doing something similar right. Love the Botbase keep up the good work.
About the decast : if you have a routine that decasts instantly you should consider using another one! The only things that should be decast asap are channeled casts like tranquility. Some routines even randomize their decast timings, not only does it look more human but it also counters fake castings.

The biggest giveaway for a bot are not the decasts but the dispels. When there is a deepfreeze, root, sheep, hex, ... etc that gets dispelled so fast that you haven't seen a single pixel on your screen showing that CC you know something is wrong. I have had mates thinking it was me who was deepfreezed or sheeped because they never saw it on their screen, they only felt a tiny lag on their char not showing anything close of a CC on them.
Quick question when you pause Tyrael and it says its paused or resumed in your chat, is that all client side? From what I read PQI was basically announcing itself. Tyrael isn't doing something similar right. Love the Botbase keep up the good work.
Tyrael does no such thing, it's als safe as ever been.