.. Removing helm enchants and the ranged weapon slot have further dumbed down the game in my opinion, a poor change in my honest opinion...
How is it "dumbing" down the game? Did you have to be mentally gifted to use them?
Helm enchants was just stats, stats that will now move onto other items.
Ranged slots, who the hell ever used it to do anything but stats? For any other than hunters it was just a static stat boost. Don't mention the warrior and rogue shoot ability, it was nothing but a novelty.
Ranged weapons (bows, wands, guns and crossbows) should have been main weapons for hunters and casters from the start.
... It is rather funny to use a title/mount that you gained on your main on a fresh 85 or poorly geared 85. Lol...
I think this is great, especially when organizing pug raids, person wants to come on her/his new character and she/he can show me the, if any, relevant achievements from her/his main and I'll know she/he has been in the fight atleast once before.
I'd rather take a lower geared person who knows how to get out of crap on the ground, than the person who does massive dps, but always put a strain on healers because she/he don't know, or simply doesn't care, whats going on.
... and VAN was the best, sucks you werent there.
"Sucks you werent there." - Seriously, grow up.
Classic was fun, but I remember it as alot of crap too.
Getting 40 people online to do Molten Core, getting 40 people to do exactly the right thing.
Spending countless hours banging your heads against almost impossible boss fights.
Raid content that were maybe experienced by 5 to 10% of the player base. We had 5 guilds on my server that took down Ragnaros.
Gathering the, at the time, astounding amount of 1000 gold to get your epic riding speed.