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Ip Banned after years no qq but questions and sugestions I have not seen.. Novel

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Seriously very long text.

Did blizzard ip ban you?

If they did, thats frighten me :(

yes they did. I had whats known as a sleeper account that was GM's on my guild banks I just added game time.
As soon as I logged in , Bam banned.. Btw , no priors or 72's on this account / ip .. but then again if they reviewed the chat log they would of seen ppl pst ing me saying "100k for 100 right" "gift on P@ypall right" ... I can't stop what ppl pst me
thanks for your original post.
very amusing and informative.. i will look for shah's balls!
Gl with the appeal... if no joy, roll new druids on multi realms and bot to mining and herbing heaven
1st off thank you !!!!

This comunity suported me and my familly after I got injured at work.

I learned to write my own xml's or atleast mod ones i got off the forums very quick.

It is a sad day for me to report my accounts got perma banned yesterday.

Many things went wrong in that day and I broke my own rule i have and thats not to be greedy.
but i had orders of $600 + come in when i was flat out of stock.

My story is a intresting one. I had teamed up with other americans on a popular server and we offered private gold selling to all the guilds. we had toons planted everywhere and when a order came threw if one person didn't have the amount in stock we would get it from our budys at a slightly reduced rate so we could fill the orders. We sold all our stuff via guild banks and did f2f trades in amounts of less than 20k w items per trade.

Being a log time b0tter I did start feeling confident I knew my rules , in chat we talked in code to avoid
w@rd3n. I would multibox acts from lfr to raids to and even climed to a 2200 in arena's for the lolz.

i was earning 1mill gold a week easy but this last month (tax return time) couldn't keep it in stock!
So orders keep comming in back to back and me and my friends were all out! So i hit it hard...

So what got me? A dam TROLL!!!!! i decided i wanted to do some bg's get conc caped and was playing legit... some jerk and his friends got mad at me cuz i didn't save there ass or somthing and they reported me for the lolz . Seeing as i got no GM whisper I asum it was w@rden once again. I had however pushed prob the 1,000+ node a day as I was working hard to fill my orders.

Now for the Q&A ...

I don't feel I will fill the normal stat in this thread as it's on apeal as i have heard you get 3 appeals from a guy who regularly got ip bans that was selling 1mil a day. I will however tell you it was US .

1. will anyone else conferm you get appeals on a ipban?

2. Blizzard has a Insane amount of masonic stuff in game .. I have toons with masoic names .. anyone know if pulling the mason card helps? (ie . ring of grand achetitech. pally t13 helm graphic.. 666 everywhere (portal stones , snake scales ect)

3.. The devil is in the details .. example ... there is a c0ck and b@lls blatently in the stones at sha of fear on the ground in the stones if you just turn around and look.. once you see it you will never be able to not see it! .. has anyone ever tried using stuff like this to " threaten or point out" if bliz appeals don't work?

4. if i have a perma ip ban , all that would of happend is they killed my true love of the game for the loss of my main toon and created a monster that is here to only make money. I will be back... from what i understand is this all it takes? New nic card, new modem or isp. new copy's of wow?

So here's goes for my sugestions to the members!

We belive and it's common sense that Bliz employee's regularly scan this forum... So buddys' Don't use your toons or account names on this site!!

If a bliz employee reads this ... I want you to know I was a very positive member to have for your game. I think your real threat is not the big fish of HB but the chineese. It was in my intrest to bring players to the game and help them achive there goals so they would get the gear and buy my product at a reduced rate vs the sites. Not only to mention I do have multi subscriptions. Point blank , I had to help make you money to make my self money!

I feel the real threat is Scammers. Everytime i seen a RAF in trade i cringed... ppl selling game time powerlving it hurt my head and i felt bad for the people who fell for it. Like many I tried to actually team up and see what the chinesse were about... I got QQ chat and all that and even after talking to them in there language it became very very clear they have no soul and are there to scam anyone and everyone they can.
So heads up ... NEVER give them your CC # when they say will you buy for real money.. >_< NEVER let them PL your account or do a RBG boost... NEVER trust them if they say they will get you HM items ... There are many guilds who will do this but you can talk to them in vent... and they will not say .. " you buy "

Next thing i want to address is Extortion.

we all know how to spot a bot ... because we use them. So one of the new trends is for people to see your bot and pst you or send mail threatning to report you bla bla bla but won't unless you " make a donation"
Holly crap .. I'm busted ... >_< is most pplz thoughts... well I'm here to tell you most ppl that do this are botters them selfs and I personally don't do tickets for anything .. the last thing i want is to be talking to a GM... So tell them to fuck off or don't respond but chances are ... they are looking for free money so ask if there intrested in buying your products cheap and make a friend.

Last thing I want to share is my true do's and don't list... I was not a small fish nor a big fish because I met ppl who sold 1mill + a day but I had great success and this is my way of trully giving back to the comunity!

1. Don't be greedy...
2. Don't be greedy!
3. write or admind your own Xml's or atleast know how to set , bounce , randomize! it's not hard just copy/pasting!
4. Mix it up ...
5. Guild banks are your friend!
6 Warden is your enemy... learn it , know it... use code, trade in small amounts. we don't say b0t or HB but say "my kids made me proud"
7. Be humble .. don't brag and be a dick to others as thats what will always be your down fall.
8. if you teach a person to HB on your server you just lost a customer for life and created compition so besure and make them a team member.

Inclosing I want to Trully THANK the Senior members of this forum from the bottem of my heart.... You gave me the ability to suport my familly when i was injured. Shout outs to Bossland , Tony,Kick, zubross , Ark, patto and many of the other great XML writers out there , thanks for the templets and xyz's :-)

While banned this is a letter of love and a story of success! Thank you my buddys have no fear , I will be back one way or another!

Smells bogus to me
Very interesting and good to read. What do you know and what do you suspect Warden of doing? Does anyone have any confirmed information about Warden and appeals in general?
You did herb mining or shuffle?

I did a bit of everything. I regularly used a custom version of patto's multi zone herb/ mine on GB with it set on random bounce/ skip elites , no ninja. I had filled and sold 10 guild bank tabs worth or ore and herbs on my last day and i was worried about if there was a "trigger" for warden on how many nodes there was. I regularly used Raid bot to multi box the LFR's using a shammy healer for insta que's so my main a 511 lock could get vp capped. With 5.2 raid bot i would also like to say it has a nasty habit of wanding , wasiting a GCD at the moment too. On the 1st group of bosses in tot lfr i am happy to report i came in 1st as dps and 3rd as healer with a ilv of 483 on the shammy.
I sold a total of 17 alani mounts and was the number 1 seller of them on my server and used a custom mash up of them but will conferm most my compition go busted on them profiles because of running out of bag space ;-) (dam you vendor thats not there no more)
I was running the island of thunder black prince rep profile on one account when they got banned and the other was just sitting in 2 moons. It was late night (4 am) and i decided to do some BG's to try and get my PVP shoulders for the xmog when some guys from Tich got mad i didn't kill the same guys they were on and road past them... I was talking to them in /bg chat and they flat out said were reporting you so enjoy your 3day ban. I'm pretty sure it was a auto warden ban from the BG's as it was only like 30 min after that i got banned. But in that same 24 hours I had one guy pst me and say " 40k for $40 gift via PP sound good?" and another say "hey group of us want to do a large order would you do 600k for .80 per?"
this is what i feel really sealed the deal when a GM looked at my account on apeal.

Very interesting and good to read. What do you know and what do you suspect Warden of doing? Does anyone have any confirmed information about Warden and appeals in general?

Well I know a bit about warden because as I stated I was not alone , I teamed up with other botters and we ran the show on some of the top servers and i was just a bigger fish but by no means the bigest fish i had seen.

first off not being part of bliz i can't say 100% everything we think is true but only can share what we belive from past bans and other experences. Keep in mind my team of over 10 + has years of experence going back to glidor and pirox.
So here is what was shared with me

first off it auto flags when ever you are logged in for so many hours streight. ie like 36h no break it suspends this is a 72H you must exit game not just log out and argument could be well i went to bed and my kid started playing ect.

we belive it also has certain hard word triggers . saying BOT , Honnorbuddy , paypall , USD , $ and even saying warden in game so many times might trigger it to "flag" you.

Trade amounts - we know from experence from doing GCG ( stupid but fun random roll game ) in raids that if you trade over 50k in 1 trade with out a item you will be flagged.. When selling my alaini mounts I regurlarlyl traded at the 45k mark with a item no problem. so keep your trades lower than that.

1,000 nodes per day - this is somthing we are unsure of and new. But it seems logical that they would put this soft cap in as well .. thats alot even by a botters standard.

lua.hax crash error - this normally occurs when your bot gets stuck and actually bugs out the world trying to get unstuck going threw a wall and we think having this happen so many times in a day will do it . While im on this subject.. when you get this error ... for the love of God don't click send report... just close the dam thing.

Mailbox over full - where the ppl talk about not posting to much on the AH well it's really about how over full your mail box is. Remember each sold item takes a spot in your mail too :-(

guild bank xfers - we are not sure about this but one huge guy i know got banned 24 hours after he xfered a guild with a bank that had 98 stacks of blood shards thats about 2,000 of them along with multi tabs of sha crystals and soul traders, swift tigers and so on.
he was selling his gold to the chineese and would shift the gbanks to servers they paid just a little bit more.. he had done this multi times but this was a big big sale and was actually the largest i had ever seen in 1 sell and that was over 10 mill in gold for aprox 5,000 USD. when selling to the sites they only pay like .50 cents per k at best in bulk most the time and the .05 diference adds up.
Any who 24 hours after this trade his IP was banned ... we don't know why it was but he didn't care.

Nascar- this is were so manny people are running the same GB profile not even setting it to bounce and randomize and you have 15pplz flying in the same patern with the 1st droping down to farm and the 2nd person taking the lead .. we think if you have so many people pass the same nodes back to back and turning on the exact same xyz so close it flags... but this could just be players reporting and GM's stepping in as this is the MOST COMMON WAY TO GET BANNED FROM BEING A NOOB AT BOTTING!!!

Now while warden is a nasty program for us it is just a program.. it can be beat and gotten around.. my hardest problem was getting my buyers not to talk in tells and get in vent / mumble. As like with me when a GM reviews it they will see your chat log and see your money log where you had 500k 2 days ago , then went down to 10k , then up to 200k and back down to 20k and so on..
I am not suprised i got a perma ban as only a retard of a GM wouldn't of spoted "holly crap this guys a gold seller".

Your number 1 enemy hands down is other players IMO , you have ppl that get jelly and do stupid shit...
I was semi big and I did it all even sold 16/16 hm for $ or 1.5 mil gold in 5.1 but my closest calls were always other players being stupid ...

Last story i want to share is that of a guildie. I personally always raided iin the past and pushed progression. So i stocked my raiding guild bank .. well i had put in the mats and made up all the flasks to basicly cover the 5.1 raiding teir at the start when lotus was at 200g each. I don't farmvile or fish cuz that is just to boring to even bot for me lol... So others pitched in there. Well we had a officer in guild who had a fall out and he cleaned out our guild bank taking most the pots and flasks before he Gquit. he took about 30k worth of stuff. I told everyone Just let it be when they wanted to contact the GM's .. I was a Officer and I said drop it... but we had one guy who lost his whole 1 stack of feasts and was like NO he must pay .. I could of strangled this guy! .. He submitted 3 tickets and was like You have to "get" him ... Luckly the GM didn't look where all the herbs and ore came from and just stoped his investagaion at " he had permition as a Officer to remove so many items per day... Sorry" ...

So in closing ... Always keep in mind , it's your other players who will be the bigest tards and pains in the ass you come across. They will be the ones who report you for undercuting them , beating them in a BG , not helping them kill a mob or pvp player. Be jelly you have so much gold and so on... Word to the wise , when you become a big fish ... Be humble...

that is all ask if you have more quesitons


ps I am supriesed no one addressed my mason and hidden art I addressed in my first post
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Why do you insist on a flame war? I will comferm you are the retarded one and have proven so many times over. Not that education maters but I do have a BA in Electronic Enginering not just a "grade of A in English". (Big thumbs up and 1 handed clap for you though!)

So because you're a person who hasn't been around the internet or this game for very long and couldn't understand my post. Am I to asum you are the clear form of a N00b and with all N00bs they are about to get pwn'd? Am I to asum you got lost on the acronyms I used?
"No Fear" I am here to help and having run a Vbulliten forum for a website known as Half-life-source.com for years, you Sir make me giggle on the inside.

So i have elected to transcribe the code you could not figure out after reading it 3 times with your very High education of a grade of A in English.

Lets go threw my post line by line and decode it for you so when you read it for the 10th time it now makes sence!

multibox - act of running more than one game at once

Lfr - Looking for raid or in most cases looking for retards.. I asum you you are familar with that type of raid.

B0t botter B0tting - the act of having your computer run a program acting on behalf of the user.

"Talk in code" - the act of using leet speak or 1337 5p34k a internet lingo used by the people of the internet to get around b0t c0d3s so we can say what we want with out getting banned and so n00bs like you have there brain melt as they try to decipher. " J00 ju57 g07 pwn3d"

XML- the format of scrips used by honnor buddy the program this forum is for.

Warden , W@rd3n (ect) - the program wrote by blizzard to combat exploit behavior. Also saves them labor it is efectivly there honnor buddy but anti. Just a script wrote that acts on triggers.. this is what catches most people and our true enemy at the time!

f2f - Face to face trade meaning we open trade and i put gold in it and you put up a item and we click ok.

2200 in arena - standard goal most have when doing player vs player ( almost said pvp bud didn't want to baffle you >_< )

"for the lolz" - doing something just for the chuckles ... I wrote this reply "for the lolz"

Troll- someone who harrasses others just for the lolz (see above)

node - mining and herb spots are called Nodes ... it's a mining node .. herb node fishing node ect... means "spot"

Masons- super secret organization that runs the world... this game is run by the masons and it is my teams belife that it's purpose is to distract the general population from whats going on around them outside the game. Also there is a insane amount of masonic stuff in the game .. as i stated before the paladin t13 helm was a symbol of the dubble eagle something they use ... there god they call the grand architech and use the symbol G (uppercase) to symbolize a lesser god "lucifer" becoming like the true God known as Yehwah for many religions.

Raf - recrute a friend , a ploy the chinesee use to get new accounts and you get a mount.. you give them 20k and your email and you get a mount and they get to sell or use the Free account you just gave them and they send you a nasty email that jacks your info if not just try and hack your password as the email you just gave them is also your wow log in.

QQ chat- a new form of yahoo messenger that will auto translate manderian to english in trade chat if you ever see someone say qq#32312432423 this is there qq chat ID. it seems to be a big hit among the manderians and is the best way to comunicate with them.

CC# - credit card number- we can protect you from it being stolen free of charge , just tell us all the numbers on the front along with the experation date and the 3 or 4 numbers on the back in a little box along with your zip code and we will let you know if a bad man gets it. If we find something out of place we might need your social security number too, but don't worry we got your back!

PL - power level - act of letting someone else level your toon because they can do it faster than you.

RBG boost - act of letting someone else play your accout to get you a rated battle ground rank higher than you would of on your own.

HM- Hard mode, the hardest and most dificult form of a instance or raid. Clearly you have never seen these and should avoid them at all costs as you just might end up crying your self to sleep.

XYZ's - Honnor buddy is a script program and it use's XYZ cordnates to know where to go.. you got a A in English but how is your math?? Anywho ... when you run a profile .. someone just copy( alt + C) pasted (alt + V) a bunch of xyz's and set peramiters for your " free " xml you used as clearly you didn't write your own or you would of understood my post fully.

Buddy's - My friends who use the great program known as Honnorbuddy as we are a very unique comunity one that works in the grey but is the cream of the crop!

If you have any more questions .. please feel free to ask.

As far as my appeal goes 1st appeal was funny and denied , 2nd was masonic and denied and case closed I will call them next week and if that don't work well I will be back soly to make money and not play the game out of love.

Can I get a Like for this thread !!

I piss on you ba degree in EE, in my country EE IS TRASH education. I am taking nano technology at my countries most prestigious university. Only 30 ppl a year get in that course. Go home to your 5 dollar semester college!


Btw, tl;dr!!!!! Hahhahha
I piss on you ba degree in EE, in my country EE IS TRASH education. I am taking nano technology at my countries most prestigious university. Only 30 ppl a year get in that course. Go home to your 5 dollar semester college!


Btw, tl;dr!!!!! Hahhahha

Can this guy get banned already?
But being a person who has a education I can tell your lieing threw your teeth. you can't climb to the top with out starting out learning the basics and to get a BA in EE (not electirical but electronic) is very very hard as when i went to school it was certificate after certificate and many log hours and undergrading and the only place i can get a masters in my field is MIT right now.
Anyone who was even close to what I did would show respect as I have stacks of books that fill a whole wall. I do how ever have a very large grasp of nano tech because I spent many years doing CPU programing and ach. along with robotics. fact is I think your full of bs .. i could really trump you and ask you a question google won't answer for you Mr.nano who has a A in English... Would you be up for a simple quiz???

this is your chance to save face if not GTFO of my thread , there is real material here for people who want to learn and trolls like you are not welcome.
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Can this guy get banned already?
But being a person who has a education I can tell your lieing threw your teeth. you can't climb to the top with out starting out learning the basics and to get a BA in EE (not electirical but electronic) is very very hard as when i went to school it was certificate after certificate and many log hours and undergrading and the only place i can get a masters in my field is MIT right now.
Anyone who was even close to what I did would show respect as I have stacks of books that fill a whole wall. I do how ever have a very large grasp of nano tech because I spent many years doing CPU programing and ach. along with robotics. fact is I think your full of bs .. i could really trump you and ask you a question google won't answer for you Mr.nano who has a A in English... Would you be up for a simple quiz???

this is your chance to save face if not GTFO of my thread , there is real material here for people who want to learn and trolls like you are not welcome.

Hahahaha stop trying to defend your weak education. I am superior to you, i will be your boss one day hahaha.
Hahahaha stop trying to defend your weak education. I am superior to you, i will be your boss one day hahaha.

1st off you will never be my boss ... fact is i have worked for my self for over 15 years. I have had 100's of employees and I would fire you on sole grounds of bad conduct. This thread is very educational for others as I am sharing vettern experences and advice to help others no other reason. I was reporting i was ip banned for the logs so it can be tracked and just sharing info I don't see that I feel most should know.

So with you not another minute of time will be spent addressing you. My fellow forum members already flamed you back too. You have anoyed and pissed off multi people here and showed your cards to us all. I hate to be the one to inform you that in the end.
You are only lieing to your self, none of us were fooled. The moment you trully grasp that term you will grow as a person. You should of taken this opertunity to speak in a educational manner with someone who has more experence than your self. It is your loss and others gain and from this day forward your user name will be assoicated with that of a troll and not with one who is skilled and valued.
1st off you will never be my boss ... fact is i have worked for my self for over 15 years. I have had 100's of employees and I would fire you on sole grounds of bad conduct. This thread is very educational for others as I am sharing vettern experences and advice to help others no other reason. I was reporting i was ip banned for the logs so it can be tracked and just sharing info I don't see that I feel most should know.

So with you not another minute of time will be spent addressing you. My fellow forum members already flamed you back too. You have anoyed and pissed off multi people here and showed your cards to us all. I hate to be the one to inform you that in the end.
You are only lieing to your self, none of us were fooled. The moment you trully grasp that term you will grow as a person. You should of taken this opertunity to speak in a educational manner with someone who has more experence than your self. It is your loss and others gain and from this day forward your user name will be assoicated with that of a troll and not with one who is skilled and valued.

5 dollar education is always gonna be 4 dollar education. No matter how you say it. PERIOD.
???? did some one hear a ant fart too????

oh well must of been the wind...

I did how ever round up a picture of the c0ck and b@lls I talked about at sha of fear and kinda wanna get yalls feed back. Keep in mind my raid groups of multi guilds tried very hard to find this patern anywhere else in the game and could not. So it is a unique patern that was ... well right under your noes >_< Do you see it??? we could right it off as just bricks but I tend to remember every pixel is placed there by some one and nothing is random... especially something that millions of people walk over every day!

let me know what you think

All bad spelling and grammar aside this is good information.

The very obvious troll cowboyx and hblovers feeding every post was also entertaining.

8/10 thread.
???? did some one hear a ant fart too????

oh well must of been the wind...

I did how ever round up a picture of the c0ck and b@lls I talked about at sha of fear and kinda wanna get yalls feed back. Keep in mind my raid groups of multi guilds tried very hard to find this patern anywhere else in the game and could not. So it is a unique patern that was ... well right under your noes >_< Do you see it??? we could right it off as just bricks but I tend to remember every pixel is placed there by some one and nothing is random... especially something that millions of people walk over every day!

let me know what you think


You know im right. Its good that you admitted it. Now i am satisfied. Ty for release. Next time learn your place and dont brag about you 5 dollar epeen education when you know theresre people superior to you. Ty for release.
Closing thread--too many trolls living in this one.

A couple of you are very close to being muted.

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