Two updated scripts again, I saw that Halls of stone had nothing in it at all so I did everything required for that one, also updated Ahnkehet. With Halls of stone I was going to add the AoE for when the beam shoots you when you have to defend Bronzebeard. However that spell is actually a scripted NPC and not actually a spell so I was not able to add it.
Halls of Stone
<Entrance X="8921.6416" Y="-968.6936" Z="1039.186279" />
<AreaSpell Name="Storm of Grief" ID="50752" />
<AreaSpell Name="Static Charge" ID="50834" />
<JumpFrom X="1024.66" Y="752.8703" Z="212.112" />
<JumpTo X="1034.916" Y="747.0450" Z="196.9741" />
Ahnkahet The Old Kingdom
<Entrance X="3639.578" Y="2027.731" Z="2.591986" />
<AreaSpell Name="Sear Beam" ID="57748" />
<JumpFrom X="509.9175" Y="-785.65" Z="-23.335" />
<JumpTo X="514.2955" Y="-776.6293" Z="-31.67012" />