THANKS MAN ! I will try have u got a link to the forum or where ever u got this ? I need the seettings for pocketpicking and so on.
THANKS MAN ! I will try have u got a link to the forum or where ever u got this ? I need the seettings for pocketpicking and so on.
Thank u a lot but there is only the message
"loading Profil" and that for about half an hour.
so iam really confused and iam from germany and need to know how the grind bot Farms the Lockboxes![]()
Added a new profile for Steamwheedle Cartel rep Venture Bay Zul'Drak Grizzly Hills SWC Rep Level 90-100
Get it at my SVN at E46-AD-SVN
Use this one instead of the V7 (100) Steamwheedle Cartel 2 Neutral if the spot is to busy to farm
Hi, i got a lvl 70 rogue is that enough or do i need more lvl for the pickpocket script?
because when i load the script is says nothing more to do or asks me if my toon is too high lvl?
Will work with level 70 but you need to change the lines on Profile's 1-2-3 to,
From <While Condition="Me.Level >= 90 && Me.Level < 101" >
<While Condition="Me.Level >= 70 && Me.Level < 101" >
You need to do that for each of the 3 profiles and then the rogue will use the macros etc,
And ofc as you said
Quite simple to do i'm sure your able to do it since you already mentioned you edit the min and max levels let me know if it works for you,
Ok i did it, there are like 3-4 lines in each script to change.
forgot to change this at the end of the script.
thank you very much![]()
[UserSettings-v1581(error) @line 38]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
rogue profile doesn't work for me
i'm using 90lvl in Shattrath
Help please, everything works with pickpocket profile, my char moves to every spots of murlocs but he didn't pick pocket the mobs... i must have forget some option but i didn't find it out. (sorry for my bad english ^^)
[LoadProfile-v1728(fatal)] Profile 'E:\Downloads\Movement\[QO-N-M][Rogue-Pick-Pocket][Flying][80]_isle-of-quel'danas.xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
So i am currently on the first profile for Bloodsail rep and working great, However and this may not be a profile issue. When my toon shoots it then does this rather odd stepping in a circle to face away and towards the mountain. Kinda odd again may not even be the profile but looks very bot like