just to inform you all, which used Piroxtools, that if you have used Archaeology withi Pirox, there is a very big chance your account is gone.
As i read right now, Pirox itself announced here: pvpTool - Your World of Warcraft Level PvP Gather Archa WoW Bot
that they got detected ( Archaeology Tool of Pirox ).
As you all know, such things can happen, and you shall be aware off. But also that there is no Banwave within Honorbuddy and / or Gatherbuddy, so if you did use both Tools, the ban you got from is Pirox.
just to inform you all, which used Piroxtools, that if you have used Archaeology withi Pirox, there is a very big chance your account is gone.
As i read right now, Pirox itself announced here: pvpTool - Your World of Warcraft Level PvP Gather Archa WoW Bot
that they got detected ( Archaeology Tool of Pirox ).
As you all know, such things can happen, and you shall be aware off. But also that there is no Banwave within Honorbuddy and / or Gatherbuddy, so if you did use both Tools, the ban you got from is Pirox.