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Information: Pirox pvpTool ( Archaeology ) had a banwave

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010

just to inform you all, which used Piroxtools, that if you have used Archaeology withi Pirox, there is a very big chance your account is gone.

As i read right now, Pirox itself announced here:

PiroxBots.com pvpTool - Your World of Warcraft Level PvP Gather Archa WoW Bot

that they got detected ( Archaeology Tool of Pirox ).

As you all know, such things can happen, and you shall be aware off. But also that there is no Banwave within Honorbuddy and / or Gatherbuddy, so if you did use both Tools, the ban you got from is Pirox.
hmm I dont have pirox so no account to read thread. Does that mean archaeology as a whole is being watched now you think?
I have been using AB to lvl with.
for those without pirox account:
Archa in pvpTool is detected!
Please stop using pvpTool until we analized the ban reports to tell you what is safe and what not!

Stop using archaeology in pvpTool.
It seems that sending the info to the got finally detected and gets your account banned. This is the first ban wave that hits pvpTool. I don't know since when they flagged the accounts. Only 1 of my 3 accounts got banned and i used it with all 3.
Archa is atm disabled for purchase until we find a way around this.

You get a security warning in pvpTool

We are sorry for your loss

/edit #1
Q: Can we still use pvpTool for gathering?
A: As far as i can see, only archa is affected by this and you should be safe to use pvpTool's other features like pvp, leveling or gathering.

Q: Do you make a new archa bot?
A: Sending the info to chat was atm the only way to get the archa locations. Other bots instead use lua_dostring injection. pvpTool will never use injection because this raise the risk of a ban. If we find a new safe way to get the data, maybe through the bot addon, we will update the bot and the lost time you could not use archa will get credited!
Is there a risk of being banned using HB? I used to ***** in tf2 using artificialaiming.net, and they disabled valves VAC somehow, is this what HB does to WOW's systemj?
Is there a risk of being banned using HB? I used to ***** in tf2 using artificialaiming.net, and they disabled valves VAC somehow, is this what HB does to WOW's systemj?

There's ALWAYS a risk getting banned when you bot in WoW, you should know this and not bot on account that you care about losing. However HB seems like a safe option compared too other bots, at least to me :)
Edit: There's plenty of threads about what is likely to get you banned and there's some guides around the forum for how not to get caught, if you follow these guides you're chances at staying out of a ban is better, however if a ban wave with software detection comes along, a lot of us are gonna be screwed :P

"Other bots instead use lua_dostring injection. pvpTool will never use injection because this raise the risk of a ban." Did anyone else find this ironic lol
Ouch that sucks hard. Luckely for me i havn't used any of piroxbots. What went wrong anyway?

too late.. they got all my accounts this morning, 6 level 85 on 6 different account...
Do you think Arch is being watched a lot harder now or maybe they are successful with the accounts they caught and back off? hmmm? "Scratches head"
So does HB use lua_dostring injection, and can someone explain what lua_dostring injection is?
So does HB use lua_dostring injection, and can someone explain what lua_dostring injection is?

lua_dostring or framescript_execute in what WoW uses to run lua commands. If you hook that, you can do anything in WoW that is accessible from the lua engine.

We have always been an injection based bot and have always used lua_string. We believe the way we do so is very hard to detect and that if Blizzard goes after it, our tripwire will catch them and close all GB and HB bots down.

As a company, we are paranoid about detection and always looking for signs that Blizzard is coming after us. But for now, I'm not particularly worried about Archaelogy or Honorbuddy/Gatherbuddy. The Pirox way of doing things was very specific to his bot and it looks like that is what Blizzard went after. No doubt Pirox will give more info when he has it but for now we are not any more concerned than usual.
I just used it yesterday again :S. But always when using it, I just used it for about 10min max. Seems like my account did not get banned...
well seems like they've been recording for at least a month, given the ban reports...
I feel sorry for the people that was banned, been there done it, got the t-shirt :(
But a banwave is needed now and again to keep the balance and IMO the time was now, goodluck to everyone who lost their account's
Question: Do you recon that I will receive after the server maintenance? Would it be an option, to transfer my main char to another account in order to have it safe? Or will the other account be banned in the end as well?
Question: Do you recon that I will receive after the server maintenance? Would it be an option, to transfer my main char to another account in order to have it safe? Or will the other account be banned in the end as well?

Transfered toons normally do not have an issue if the account that they use to be on is banned, or at least no issues that I have seen or heard about. I have transfered several toons from my botted accounts to my main account, later had the same botted account banned, and nothing has happened to the transfered toons. Of course, if your botted account has already been flaged and placed as suspended or closed, then you would not have any access to the account to make the transfer. I never bot my main account just for that reason. I always suggest haveing at least 2 accounts, one to play and one to bot on. $15 bucks a month extra is not that much in comparison to replacing all your toons, gear, gold, acheives, pets, mounts, etc. and is is so easy to funnel goods and gold to your main through guild banks that it is just not worth the risk. Just my opinion.


I see now that you said main character, so that may refer to your actual main account toon or simply the one lvl 85 gatherer on an account that you want to save rather than have to bot another one up. Same rules apply, however, I see where you may not have been botting your main account afterall.
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