enable the "act slow" option and try again
wow is crashing?
catch me on Live Support at [email protected](msn)
you must have a letter off here or there... in the Edit area. i know sometimes when i add new accounts if i forget to add the (x86) C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft
Than i get errors, just make sure you have the paths correctly. OR your internet service could restart late at night.... before when i ran bots just reg, i would wake up to " disconnected from wow blah blah" but since i got the Arelog it never does it unless its a server restart
This support never seems to be online, but thanks.
I can add that i've fixed this issue. After several fresh re-installs I can tell that what fixed it was installing it outside of the HB folder.
can you clarify on the x86, are you meant to add it even if your path is C:\program files\world of warcraft?