If you play, or even bot, Pick the one you love.
In vanila wow, I played a warrior. I love him the first time I play wow, and forever in love. I want to charge into enemy line and pwn them right in their face, then walk out alive gloriously. In BGs ppl fear warrior. In Arena I often loose as I don't pay much attention, and effort, i will give it a try this cata. Again, for PVP, pick the one you love to become
You want to charge in ? get a warr
You want to heal, pick whatever
You want t super tank, that fight for justice, well-geared pally is nearly unstopable if play right. I and 2 others tried to kill a holy pall without success in a BG game. He shield, then heal, then heal...hand of freemdom then retreat, lol.
You want varieties, then pick a healing class, like priest, druid
Hunter is fun in cata as well. They can move around and kite ppl with ease.
Well, is it possible to bot 2 acc together, queue together, grind together while wait, and go together in a BG. I think its possible? I can see that we can join as group in HB, but I am not sure how they work inside a BG, diff CC, healer will in a raid, not a 2 men party. What if 1 die and 1 alive -.-