I have sold millions of gold, taught countless others how to not get caught selling gold. How may i help you? I do not play the PM game ask and i will answer.
Let me be honest with you. Gold selling at this point is more or less a waste of time. Unless you have a botting empire and sell enough gold a week to replace your empire 10 times over you will run at a loss more then likely.
However, if you must sell gold.
Sell on places like player auctions or other sites that let you control your selling.
If you sell to Mass Chinese buyers, 99% of the time you will get banned.
Always trade gold for a item. Higher quality the better. NEVER TRADE JUST GOLD
You can always give them the item back, once you trade anything over 1k gold and receive nothing in return you are auto flagged for investigation.
Sell via AH if you can, taking a 5% hit on gold is better then losing 5 or 12 accounts.
Mass selling to Chinese buyers is a No No, they are carelouse and they rip you off. Why take 50 cents per 1000 when you can sell for $1.20 per thousand. But if you must sell to the Chinese
Sell everything in the span of 1 day, find 10 mass buyers, log off for a day or 2 before the transaction, Fire up a proxy and hack your own accounts and sell 500.000+ and for the love of god hide your hardware address.
This will not work every day, this is a one shot per account here and there. Must not have accounts linked at all or this could backfire on you.
Play smart, making 100$ now is not worth losing 600$ in accounts.
Remember: $30 in gold sales does not equal or repace a $100 account + time leveling.
Would it be safe for me to farm all my gold at home (not on a VPN) and then when i have 1 mil gold, go to internet cafe afterschool and sell it all from a vanilla account that has retrieved gold through Guild Bank. If i get banned i claim i was hacked?
Or use a VPN. It's cheaper.
Would it be safe for me to farm all my gold at home (not on a VPN) and then when i have 1 mil gold, go to internet cafe afterschool and sell it all from a vanilla account that has retrieved gold through Guild Bank. If i get banned i claim i was hacked?
Bots VPN1 , the sell gold and deposit to guildbank.
Vanilla Account VPN2 (other IP), the invite the gold buyer to guild and they withdraw from the guild. Or you withdraw from the guild and facetoface, note that you shouldn't invite yourself. Because they ban the person who does the invite to the guild. In other words, the vanilla account will get banned no way around it, but your bots are safe.
i got a an today and am beginning to wonder whether gold selling is such a good idea after all. some ppl say selling to mmopawn is a gaurenteed ban, who else do i sell to? Also i am worried blizz r watching my ip and i will just get another ban, that i cant afford. jungly plz pm me and tel me wat messengers u have. i would really like to talk to someone that knows wht they r doing. if u want payment for giving me ur advice i will pay.
Bots VPN1 , the sell gold and deposit to guildbank.
Vanilla Account VPN2 (other IP), the invite the gold buyer to guild and they withdraw from the guild. Or you withdraw from the guild and facetoface, note that you shouldn't invite yourself. Because they ban the person who does the invite to the guild. In other words, the vanilla account will get banned no way around it, but your bots are safe.
i got a an today and am beginning to wonder whether gold selling is such a good idea after all. some ppl say selling to mmopawn is a gaurenteed ban, who else do i sell to? Also i am worried blizz r watching my ip and i will just get another ban, that i cant afford. jungly plz pm me and tel me wat messengers u have. i would really like to talk to someone that knows wht they r doing. if u want payment for giving me ur advice i will pay.
@codename g, dont rage at me.bro. i understand bans and losse r part.of botting. but i think i am right no wnting to waste 100$ on game upgrades by doing something stupid.
codename g, i have put so many hours into trying to find private buyers, noone wants to buy from me. as a result my only option are the chinese
if u cud give me tips on how to get private buyers that wud be much appreciated