Well i started two accounts, both with different IP. One in tokyo and the other on New York. The one that was created in new york has 3 days and the other one has 2 days. Only use walking speed and randomly i put sometimes stops and breaks in pokestops and sometimes not. Never put a radius. The most time i put the bot on it was about 6 or 8 hours a the first day (2 hours botting and 2 hours resting and in blocks like that). Never reached 1000 pokestop and trying to get less than 100 pokemons a day in both accounts. Before starting the bot, i did the intro pokemons and names in both accounts with the mobile device. Sometimes i try to snipe manually a little, i mean when i get my account rested 2 or more hours, i use pokeradar to see where are some good pokemons (like porygon, snorlax, etc) and the start in the place where the pokemon i want is (always considering that there isnt a lot of distance between the last one and the new one (for example less than 10 kilometres of ditance). At the moment no type of ban. On the new york account, im using an ip that surely was ban because i used necrobot several weeks ago before the ban wave and all my accounts (6) were banned, so i think that my ip is posibly blacklisted. On the weekend im gonna move to another place where i can get another ip, so problably goint to use it on new york account and move the bot to australia. Going to see what happens... If you have some advices just tell me. What are your opinion about these movements?just for reason i post here, thank u mate