That all makes sense. I'm on US Harbinger server, which is literally the worst of the worst in lag and population. The server has been crashing every other night and the latency without the bot is.... Unbelievable. I haven't ever had any trouble with pathing, and the few times I did, it was fixed magically overnight. The bot only really seems to commit boticide after the grey magic errors start popping up. Which admitingly is not as frequent as it was before the last update.
Ran the bot all night with no crashes and no problems. But it will get ugly in the day, when the server hits its highest population. But it doesn't stop the bot and SWTOR servers from bickering at each other like an old married couple.
Part of me never thinks it will get any better unless something's changes SWTOR side. And we all know EA prefers the cheap fast route.
Do not be pessimistic and be not satisfied. I know this sounds horrible Phay, but if you just accept that the bot is shit then the devs will not give a fuck about it. We have seen this first hand in the past few weeks with all of us telling them we paid for a working bot and NOW we have multiple devs working on the bot and the FIRST fix since September.
Patch update.
1.0.957.349 - November 27th 2012
Updated for the latest game client!
Fixed an issue where quests with multiple rewards would not get finished properly.
1.0.953.344 - November 10th 2012
Updated for the latest game client!
1.0.946.339 - October 30th 2012
Updated for the latest game client!
1.0.940.331 - October 17th 2012
Updated for the latest game client.
1.0.938.329 - October 21st 2012
Updated for the latest game client.
1.0.937.328 - October 10th 2012
Updated for the latest game client.
1.0.933.325 - October 3rd 2012
Updated for the latest game client.
1.0.933.324 - September 27th 2012
Updated for the latest game client.
1.0.924.319 - September 11th 2012
Updated for the latest game client.
1.0.923.318 - September 6th 2012
Updated for the latest game client.
Fixed a bug in the World layer stuff that caused the whole thing to go south.
We pay just as much as any other game to have a working bot. BW needs to get its fucking act together and fix its shit!! Or give us our money back and let us test it as a beta client free of charge.