Hunterpaxxx | A 7.1 Marksmanship Combat Routine for MaxDPS in Raids
Hunterpaxx | A Marksmanship Combat Routine
I was so disappointed about the available (free and pay) combat routines for markmanship hunters (even more as Tuanha's now dont use Artefact Spells anymore in free version!), so I decided to make my own.
This makes (for me) more DPS in raids and on training dummies than any other CR available to buy.
My one is free, but I would appreciate if you read my signature!
Talents to use:
You can also use switch the Birds with Barrage Talent.
To Use:
With Bot: Enyo Settings:
Shiny Config Window:
Key commands:
NEW! Configuration window for all shortkeys - use them with ALT
Enable/Disable Manual Mode - no casts will be made (Useful for damage stop phases!)
Enable/Disable Cooldowns (Trueshot) will be disabled and you have to cast them on your own.
NEW! Enable/Disable Barrage
The Combat Routine will NOT move, target or face.
YOU have to play yourself - but the CR will manage the best rotation.
So this CR is not intended to be used in questing or afk bot bases.
Unpack into Honorbuddy\Routines\ Folder.
Version 1.0 released
1.1 - improvements in rotation - please give feedback
1.1.1 - fixed some issue in rotation
1.3 - added new hotkey - ALT-B is now the hotkey for enabling/disabling BARRAGE usage
1.3.1 - marked shot patch - try this and tell me if it works better!
1.4 - priority change for windburst + shiny new configuration window for hotkeys
1.4.1 - bugfix release because hotkeys didnt work
1.5.0 Major DPS push now by added logic
1.5.5 - AoEMode added to manually enable the priority of marked shot getting out when ready. Don't forget to donate if you use this CR - keeps me motivated!
I will only offer limited support - but feel free to post your wishes and enhancements.
And dont forget, you get this CR for free - if you use it - read my signature!
Hunterpaxx | A Marksmanship Combat Routine
I was so disappointed about the available (free and pay) combat routines for markmanship hunters (even more as Tuanha's now dont use Artefact Spells anymore in free version!), so I decided to make my own.
This makes (for me) more DPS in raids and on training dummies than any other CR available to buy.
My one is free, but I would appreciate if you read my signature!
Talents to use:
You can also use switch the Birds with Barrage Talent.
To Use:
With Bot: Enyo Settings:
Shiny Config Window:
Key commands:
NEW! Configuration window for all shortkeys - use them with ALT
Enable/Disable Manual Mode - no casts will be made (Useful for damage stop phases!)
Enable/Disable Cooldowns (Trueshot) will be disabled and you have to cast them on your own.
NEW! Enable/Disable Barrage
The Combat Routine will NOT move, target or face.
YOU have to play yourself - but the CR will manage the best rotation.
So this CR is not intended to be used in questing or afk bot bases.
Unpack into Honorbuddy\Routines\ Folder.
Version 1.0 released
1.1 - improvements in rotation - please give feedback
1.1.1 - fixed some issue in rotation
1.3 - added new hotkey - ALT-B is now the hotkey for enabling/disabling BARRAGE usage
1.3.1 - marked shot patch - try this and tell me if it works better!
1.4 - priority change for windburst + shiny new configuration window for hotkeys
1.4.1 - bugfix release because hotkeys didnt work
1.5.0 Major DPS push now by added logic
1.5.5 - AoEMode added to manually enable the priority of marked shot getting out when ready. Don't forget to donate if you use this CR - keeps me motivated!
I will only offer limited support - but feel free to post your wishes and enhancements.
And dont forget, you get this CR for free - if you use it - read my signature!
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