hey HAPPYIAM i need help badly... i used this before and it worked out perfectly fine, but thats when my friend helped me set up the bot, but now when i decided to use the bot again after like a long long time its not working properly anymore. It would go kill the mobs, and once the mobs are all dead around a small area, my toon would just stand there.. Even if a mob spawns it just stands there and takes all the damage from the mob and just dies. Im a rogue level 86 and using the mote of harmony profile. How do i use the svn exactly? do i just load the profile that comes when i use svn checkout on the happyprofile folder, the profile named "Happy's Skyshards, Motes of Harmony and Guo-Lai Cache Key farmer"? and sometimes once it dies, it just spawns right in the middle of a huge mob and dies again...
EDIT: It kinda works better now except, the bot keeps pulling alot of mobs which my toon cannot handle, therefore i keep dieing.. how do i fix this? it just keeps agroing wayyy too many monsters, and sometiems it jus randomly stands there getting attacked again but eventually vanishes and eats.. when it could of just killed the dam thing..