I have 2 accounts. My main (the characters I care about) and my farming account. As of late my main focus for making gold is to be able to trade gold for 60day time cards (30kg per card) On the secondary account I have a warlock that has mining and herbing. I set it up to mine until its bags are full (About 1k pieces of ore and 1k herbs) I send my herbs to my alchemist and the ore to my jewelcrafter. My JC has most of the popular, high profit cuts (Bold Inferno, Brilliant, Delicate, Reckless, Pussiant, etc...) I send the cut gems to an alt on the secondary account (my bank) where it runs AHBot and slaps everything crafted to the AH. All of the uncommon gems prospected go to my alchemist where they get transmuted and then the gems are sent back to my JC, rinse and repeat. All awhile, I have my bank running the AHBot, checking the AH for undercut auctions and re-posting my auctions every 3 hours. All of which is monitored and maintained by Relog, where it switches my profiles, characters and does all that's mentioned above autonomously while im at work. Sundays are the days I make the most gold. One day I made 10k. I don't run the mining and herbing venture every day because im on a dead server where the gems that i process dont sell fast enough. I average 40k a week. So, theoretically im able to pay for my two wow accounts, with 100k left over for game spending. Im currently moving my operations to a high pop server, but im having to lvl my JC and Alchemist before I can start the process. Its a long setup but once its running, you can make more gold then you'll ever need. What I like most about this dual account setup is it hardly burdens my main account, that way im able to play my main account with minimal interruption from the gold making process. I hope this helps and good luck.