Well first off where the hell are you finding 3 $/k ? Im sitting at 1.7/k :/
How do you find private buyers that want that much stock?
So I could make alot of profit off this?
So easily 1000 a month off 8 bots?
How much money you make doesn't only depend on bots running, it also depends on your network so to say
Well first off where the hell are you finding 3 $/k ? Im sitting at 1.7/k :/ So your telling me with my 4 bots atm ( planning on getting 6 more )
Ill make 4 grand a month? My biggest problem as of now is proxy server... They will ban me once they find me running 10 accounts!
Private buyers is the simple answer.
Don't even bother on proxy, a VPN Tunnel may help you dodge a few bullets (IP change, pref. another country IP = You can blame it on being hacked). But it's nothing to rely on.
Although, people running multibotting will have some accs banned, sometime, even it's just a 72h. You CAN dodge it, but I do not really imagine this being an easy task.
As said, I don't run any multibotting, but I've come across alot of information under my years of lurking WoW and bot forums.
How do you find private buyers that want that much stock?
First off, read Kick's guides if you haven't, rep him and thank him because his guides on the subjects is a tremendous help.
Friends, friends friends (ad infinitum pretty much), friends guildmates, friends guilds, classmates, forum boards such as MMOwned and more.
To sell as much as Kick does, you need to have some kind of foundation and network of buyers. (Feel free to whip me with whine if you think I'm talking bullshit)
The answer is quite obvious. But yes, if you pull it off right, keep your mind at business, manage to get a "network" of buyers and post your services on forums that allow it. Yes, you will profit.
So easily 1000 a month off 8 bots?
I have a network of private buyers, started out with one, that spread to 2 then to 3 and so on and so on. I am at the point where I need to fish or cut bait so to speak. I have more demand than what I can produce with my limited number of bots. I sell 10k for $30 USD. I have never once had anyone get upset over the price or ask for anything cheaper. I have even thought of raising the prices to $4/k in WOTLK because of demand. My buyers will not buy from anyone else and that is because none of my buyers have been banned nor have any of my bots been banned. They trust me with their accounts.
And average gold in WOTLK with 3 bots was 15k/day. Around 5k each. Yes I could compete with the 25 other fucking retarded botters on the AH and drag the price of herbs down to retarded prices, or do what I did and put all my bots on mining, clean house vendoring saronite bars for 25g/stack and sell all the titanium powder, gems and other things on the AH. I feel like I make more than what I would have doing what I do.
Also most of my buyers like to buy weekly, around paycheck time and most of them buy around 10k worth at most. I do sell in 5k chunks for some buyers. Tailor your service around your buyers. I dont ever do anything over 10k at a time though. I probably botted a total of 15 (24hr) days last month. 24 on and 24 off. I made around 600 dollars last month on 3 accounts.
Wheres this guide from Kick?
EDIT: Found in sig