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The hive is 50% code 50% magic, allows advanced users to cash out. Tho it might also not be real, who knows. :roll:
Why do you guys keep talking about the private plugins?The community is better off not knowing about them?For example dbf,90% of his posts include talks about his amazing private plugins...Some people even want to buy them,but you guys ain't even selling those...Well everything has a price :) just ppl offer not enough obviously.
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I think, if it's not 100% fud, you've revealed too much informations to public. I doubt that GGG is not reading this forum and you just made your bot's easy to catch.

dbf gave hint what Hive is. It's (propably) tool to automatize trading currency on trade channel.
About telling everywhere about private stuff. People are feeling better by making others jelous/mad. It's like kids "look what I've got, and you don't have it... looser".
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Why do you guys keep talking about the private plugins?The community is better off not knowing about them?For example dbf,90% of his posts include talks about his amazing private plugins...Some people even want to buy them,but you guys ain't even selling those...Well everything has a price :) just ppl offer not enough obviously.
I think, if it's not 100% fud, you've revealed too much informations to public. I doubt that GGG is not reading this forum and you just made your bot's easy to catch.

dbf gave hint what Hive is. It's (propably) tool to automatize trading currency on trade channel.
About telling everywhere about private stuff. People are feeling better by making others jelous/mad. It's like kids "look what I've got, and you don't have it... looser".

We're just trolling boys, wanna know what we do these days?

- I work on QuestBot (yes, bot, not plugin)
- DBF is touching his dick and loves getting drunk and roam around the channel to send us shit about how happy he is to troll you :D
- Alcor is shady, pretty sure he's dealing with 10 wives at once at home and answers only to give us good news about our multi-botting security.
- ExVault is jelly and faps to the transcendance extension's videos.
- pushedx's celebrate his birthday today and probably will do a selfmade cake with the appearance of Exilebuddy Window. (Kappa)

No to be honest, we're having fun on this channel but we still keep on trying to have a manageable bot farm for 10+ bots, which is not the case for most of you there, so those plugins won't have any effect if it was public or not.
Maybe, some day, you'll see a public release of a relogger pop on the board (don't expect it that soon tho, we're still having pain to debug...).
Sure we have some private stuff because well, we can, but some other stuff might see the light of the day "soon" (tm) on this board.

No reasons to be jealous, the reasons why it's not public is because there might be some shneaky bugs that could make the public release painful for everyone.
It's like buying a PS4 that doesn't work, but the store takes time to fix it. How frustrating could it be to not play with it because it's broken ?
We all (devs) have a life and e.g. I have like 10/12 hours of coding per week atm, due to some restrictions I was told else I would not get my expansive xmas gift Kappa and debugging an advanced plugin usually takes lot of time, espacially for those that touch to gear, relogging, stucks, trades, etc...

But FYI, 40c/hour is doable atm, 60 was probably a bit overkill. It's doable using the "behavior" I gave few posts ago, basically you give up on identifying items and only process chaos processing.

And for the history of "selling" plugins, one guy offered me 1/6 of my monthly wage, you still think that's not enough? ;)
We don't wanna sell plugin because if someone has the rights to do something other users don't based on if they're in the possibility to give that much money, it doesn't feel just/correct/right.
Some people may say "yeah you should accept the fact some people wanna pay a lot" no. a while ago I had 2 versions of AIF, 1 with basic possibilities, 1 with GCP/Quality/Magic stuff, and today what is available to you publicly ? the supposed private one. Why? because after lot of testing it has no bugs pretty much.
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We're just trolling boys, wanna know what we do these days?
No to be honest, we're having fun on this channel but we still keep on trying to have a manageable bot farm for 10+ bots, which is not the case for most of you there, so those plugins won't have any effect if it was public or not.
Maybe, some day, you'll see a public release of a relogger pop on the board (don't expect it that soon tho, we're still having pain to debug...).

That's what I am currently writing. It's not a plugin but external app to make everything automatized. Basics are done, need to add some magic, IRC communication etc. Got everything in my old projects so it will be copy paste. The worst part will be making plugins to EB, I'm new to buddy products and not yet familiar with the API. C# itself is not a problem. 25+ bots is my goal.

And about your methods. I don't think it's 100% bullshit but also not 100% truth. Imho it's not possible to exchange 50 exalt's worth of chaos per hour. You would need to make ridiculous rates to make people buy it so fast. Who would reveal it's goose laying golden eggs.
That's what I am currently writing. It's not a plugin but external app to make everything automatized. Basics are done, need to add some magic, IRC communication etc. Got everything in my old projects so it will be copy paste. The worst part will be making plugins to EB, I'm new to buddy products and not yet familiar with the API. C# itself is not a problem. 25+ bots is my goal.

And about your methods. I don't think it's 100% bullshit but also not 100% truth. Imho it's not possible to exchange 50 exalt's worth of chaos per hour. You would need to make ridiculous rates to make people buy it so fast. Who would reveal it's goose laying golden eggs.
Ya, bullshit you are making your own similar program. Nice try.
Why do you guys keep talking about the private plugins?The community is better off not knowing about them?For example dbf,90% of his posts include talks about his amazing private plugins...Some people even want to buy them,but you guys ain't even selling those...Well everything has a price :) just ppl offer not enough obviously.
That's what I am currently writing. It's not a plugin but external app to make everything automatized. Basics are done, need to add some magic, IRC communication etc. Got everything in my old projects so it will be copy paste. The worst part will be making plugins to EB, I'm new to buddy products and not yet familiar with the API. C# itself is not a problem. 25+ bots is my goal.

And about your methods. I don't think it's 100% bullshit but also not 100% truth. Imho it's not possible to exchange 50 exalt's worth of chaos per hour. You would need to make ridiculous rates to make people buy it so fast. Who would reveal it's goose laying golden eggs.

50ex worth of chaos? you're not botting the same game. We said Chaos per hour, not exalts ;D 40c/hour isn't even an exalt, also consider that the banrate of those methods are way higher due to the fact we farm a static zone.
So I would not recommend anyone to try this if they don't wanna lose their accounts fast. It's like those corrupted farmers.
Doing this on a whole farm is imho dumb. And shuffling currency would be pita, but doing it on a single/two bots why not if you plan to expand further, could cash some bucks out of it. But remember that they won't last long.

But well, tbh, it's doable and I've shown some guys that it's possible. By hand running those bots I divide the clearspeed by 2 but who cares, if it's bottable :)
You cant do it with 50 bots, as I stated. too dangerous

Yes but i said that sentence about exalts before you wrote it. Peace :)

To said something about the topic and answer the originalposter; I am currently getting like 4-5 exalts in total per 10-12 hours without private plugins (for now), just optimized routine and low tier MF gear (20-30IIQ, 150-200IIR). I am running maps and not doing high lvl ones.
Yes but i said that sentence about exalts before you wrote it. Peace :)

To said something about the topic and answer the originalposter; I am currently getting like 4-5 exalts in total per 10-12 hours without private plugins (for now), just optimized routine and low tier MF gear (20-30IIQ, 150-200IIR). I am running maps and not doing high lvl ones.
Yaap, You got me, just don't go to the Chinese and ask them how many exalts I sell them per day, you might shit yourself. But then again.
sad to see this thread turned out to a ' dick-size comparison contest ' over the internet instead of actual useful information :(
you guys should stop flopping ur dicks around and just don't write anything if it's just bragging.

Nubs like me that added PoE to their botting games really need every useful piece of information :)
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