^this^Between 1-3204923804823040823048 Auctions
actually it should be 2,147,483,647 - as that is the max value for a 32bit integer. after that (if you manage to post that many) you will ether crash their servers, or the value will roll over and it will be 0.^this^
If you post 3204923804823040823049 you WILL get banned!
actually it should be 2,147,483,647 - as that is the max value for a 32bit integer. after that (if you manage to post that many) you will ether crash their servers, or the value will roll over and it will be 0.
I wonder if that's even possibleactually it should be 2,147,483,647 - as that is the max value for a 32bit integer. after that (if you manage to post that many) you will ether crash their servers, or the value will roll over and it will be 0.
Indeed, you would more and likely crash there servers posting that many auctions. And crashing a server will be a perm banned.
But yeah I post about 1500 - 3000 auctions per day, you should be okay.
I post about two thousand a day on my AH bot, and have never had any issues.
WOW you think you been luck or this is a ok amount and the ones who get banned from 100-200 have been unlucky?
actually it should be 2,147,483,647 - as that is the max value for a 32bit integer. after that (if you manage to post that many) you will ether crash their servers, or the value will roll over and it will be 0.
AH, trade chat, f2f..it doesn't matter. If they are on to you, they will get you. I fish botted and sold 4 stacks to what I think was a undercover GM in trade. Soon as the trade was complete, I was kicked off and my account was banned. It doesn't matter who thinks or tells you what. At no point in this game is there a safe way to do things.I'm very new to botting, but I don't see the points of these polls/threads. I don't get why people just don't sell in trade chat or something instead of posting auctions, I mean yea if you are breaking the materials down then there is no other choice. I also don't think blizzard bans by the "amount" of auctions, but by something else, because on my main account I did the JC shuffle legit, and I was posting 1200+ auctions a day and never a warning. I believe there is more depth to the ban than just the amount of auctions. This is just my opinion and I thought I would express it, but if you don't like it, I will express it elsewhere.