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I got it to work in tanaan without the fps loss but it still says move to melee and doesn't move anywhere. must be a mesh thing
turning frame lock off in options makes the fps loss go away in tanaan. but it doesnt solve the issue of not moving to targets
Bot stopped selling things. as soon as it is full bags of shopping is in place and does nothing.
blame the new version of HB? because that previously there were none


without frame lock works fine without fps drop but CRs seens bugged, my warlock keep casting corruption, even if i use singular as CR
They applied a Patch the bot doesnt work anymore.. get to work once again... bot down.. If i was anyone I would stop botting for the moment.. kinda funny that a patch is applied as soon as HB is back up.
Side note. Did anyone else NOT see the option for Questbot? It didn't appear at all in the dropdown menu for me.
I did not log out yet so it's still working here. Quest Bot is here also. No lag issues, everything seems fine. Thanks!
For me its Version but not working^^

Is there a patchnote or sth.? can't find it...
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="WoWSpell spell = WoWSpell.FromId(114779);spell.Cast();" />

<CustomBehavior File="PerformTradeskillOn" TradeSkillId="171" TradeSkillItemId="114779" NumOfTimes="1" />

Has stopped working.
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