yeah, when i reported this issue, the response was like: "don't use 3rd party bots and cr (enyo + tuanha). plz use singular and hb native bots."
don't get it wrong chinajade, i respect your work and your knowlegde, i really do. but the response was very disapointing. i know you guys can't be 100% responsible for 3rd party developments. but we're talking about enyo + tuanha, the most used combo i guess and it was working before the last update and obv. that last update broke it. i mean every time you update, you break all the routines. this can't be the fault of the 3rd party devs alone, u know? at least i expected something like: "yes the issue is known. this is a 3rd party develoment, but we're in contact with the devs."
I'm using a clean install of HB with singular, no plugins and an Azyul profile, I don't think it makes that much of a difference.
Point being, WoW takes up insane amounts of CPU currently, regardless of plugins and routines and this needs to be addressed.