Hi as stated in the title when trying to log a profile from buddy store honorbuddy says loading profile then message on screen appears saying programme stopped working. i have removed all the programme i see that may cause issues have deleted both cache in buddy and wow but still the same. can you p[lease help me fix this.
View attachment 8384 2016-03-04 10.10.txtView attachment 12368 2016-03-03 19.58.txtView attachment 9252 2016-03-03 14.40.txtView attachment 9036 2016-03-04 09.37.txtView attachment 8980 2016-03-03 14.31.txtView attachment 8348 2016-03-03 19.32.txtView attachment 6056 2016-03-03 21.53.txtView attachment 5088 2016-03-03 13.22.txtView attachment 4128 2016-03-03 19.50.txtView attachment 3804 2016-03-03 14.36.txtView attachment 3448 2016-03-04 09.49.txtView attachment 976 2016-03-03 15.04.txtView attachment 12600 2016-03-03 20.16.txt
View attachment 8384 2016-03-04 10.10.txtView attachment 12368 2016-03-03 19.58.txtView attachment 9252 2016-03-03 14.40.txtView attachment 9036 2016-03-04 09.37.txtView attachment 8980 2016-03-03 14.31.txtView attachment 8348 2016-03-03 19.32.txtView attachment 6056 2016-03-03 21.53.txtView attachment 5088 2016-03-03 13.22.txtView attachment 4128 2016-03-03 19.50.txtView attachment 3804 2016-03-03 14.36.txtView attachment 3448 2016-03-04 09.49.txtView attachment 976 2016-03-03 15.04.txtView attachment 12600 2016-03-03 20.16.txt