- Joined
- Feb 20, 2012
- Messages
- 245
I'm having trouble with my installation of Honorbuddy. The auto-update feature never works, it's always telling me that it's not able to check for updates each and every time I fire it up. And when I try to launch and login to the Buddy Store it simply won't do anything. It just jumps back to the front page without my user logged in.
Everything else works just fine. I have tried to delete it completely, also tried the BETA version but it's the same regardless.
View attachment 12704 2016-02-24 19.09.txt
Everything else works just fine. I have tried to delete it completely, also tried the BETA version but it's the same regardless.
[18:09:38.621 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.14801.812 started.
[18:10:39.179 Q] Honorbuddy was unable to check for an update.
Honorbuddy will not be able to update automatically.
[18:10:39.187 D] System.ArgumentException: Version string portion was too short or too long.
at System.Version.VersionResult.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, String argument)
at System.Version.TryParseVersion(String version, VersionResult& result)
at System.Version.Parse(String input)
at System.Version..ctor(String version)
at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.*********()
[18:10:43.983 D] Logging in to BestLatency (
[18:10:43.918 N] Logging in...
[18:10:44.160 N] T: 5247605360866779774 H: 2191185488
[18:10:53.843 N] Attaching to D3D9
[18:10:54.113 N] Attached to WoW with ID 2172
[18:10:54.170 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.14801.812 started!
[18:10:54.171 D] Using WoW with process ID 2172
[18:10:54.171 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[18:10:54.171 D] Executable Path: C:\Users\RamGuy\Documents\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[18:10:54.172 N] Character is a level 64 BloodElf Mage
[18:10:54.172 N] Current zone is Terokkar Forest
[18:10:54.178 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[18:10:54.178 D] Activity: Initializing
[18:10:54.179 D] Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
[18:10:58.931 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Initializing bots
[18:10:59.096 D] Initializing product TuanHA Hunter - The Ultimate Experience [Special Offer 50% Off]
[18:10:59.096 D] Successfully initialized product TuanHA Hunter - The Ultimate Experience [Special Offer 50% Off]
[18:10:59.208 D] Initializing product @< ProfitMaster: Profile Loader >
[18:10:59.426 N] [Alisha Engine 59.426]: Settings File <JSettingsCommon> v.2.5786.1.195 -> Loaded
[18:10:59.434 N] [Alisha Engine 59.434]: Settings File <JSettingsCommon> v.2.5786.1.195 -> Initialized
[18:10:59.435 D] Successfully initialized product @< ProfitMaster: Profile Loader >
[18:10:59.552 D] Initializing product Demonic - An Advanced Warlock Routine [PvE & PvP]
[18:10:59.552 D] Successfully initialized product Demonic - An Advanced Warlock Routine [PvE & PvP]
[18:10:59.576 N] Streamed store routines:
[18:10:59.612 N] * TuanHA Hunter [WoD Store Paid]
[18:10:59.612 N] * get_prefix [ Premium ]
[18:10:59.612 N] * Demonic Premium [Millz]
[18:10:59.613 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - Initializing routines
[18:10:59.619 D] Initializing product Ultimate Battle Standard Dropper
[18:10:59.619 D] Successfully initialized product Ultimate Battle Standard Dropper
[18:10:59.619 D] Initializing product Sharp Messenger
[18:10:59.620 N] [Sharp Messenger] Sharp Messenger is starting.
[18:10:59.640 D] [Sharp Messenger] [ Sharp Messenger Settings ]
Speech = True
TrappedInterval = 1
PushTrapped = True
TrappedRadius = 5
PushStatus = True
StatusInterval = 60
PushStop = False
PushStart = False
PushBattleNet = True
PushWhispers = True
PushSays = Name
PushEmotes = Name
PushTextEmotes = Name
PushGuilds = Name
PushYells = Name
PushPartys = Name
PushInstance = Name
PushRaids = Name
PushPartyInvites = True
PushGuildInvites = True
PushAchievements = True
PushDeath = False
ScreenshotOfDeath = False
PushLevelUp = True
PushDisconnect = True
AutoResolve = True
[18:10:59.640 N] [Sharp Messenger] Start up completed.
[18:10:59.640 D] Successfully initialized product Sharp Messenger
[18:10:59.640 D] Initializing product @< ProfitMaster: Profile Loader >
[18:10:59.669 N] [Alisha Engine 59.669]: Settings File <JSettingsCommon> v.2.5786.1.195 -> Loaded
[18:10:59.676 N] [Alisha Engine 59.676]: Settings File <JSettingsCommon> v.2.5786.1.195 -> Initialized
[18:10:59.694 N] [@ProfitMaster 59.694]: Settings File <SettingsCommonProfiler> v. -> Loaded
[18:10:59.702 N] [@ProfitMaster 59.702]: Settings File <SettingsCommonProfiler> v. -> Initialized
[18:10:59.720 D] Successfully initialized product @< ProfitMaster: Profile Loader >
[18:10:59.720 D] Initializing product TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium (Modular)
[18:10:59.720 D] Successfully initialized product TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium (Modular)
[18:10:59.721 N] Streamed store plugins
[18:10:59.721 N] * * Battle Standard of Coordination Dropper *
[18:10:59.721 N] * Sharp Messenger
[18:10:59.721 N] * @ProfitMaster
[18:10:59.721 N] * TheBrodieMan's Compendium
[18:10:59.722 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - Initializing plugins
[18:11:05.368 D] Initializing product Enyo - The ultimate raiding botbase!
[18:11:05.368 D] Successfully initialized product Enyo - The ultimate raiding botbase!
[18:11:05.372 N] Streamed store botbases:
[18:11:05.372 N] * Enyo
[18:11:05.383 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[18:11:05.383 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy
[18:11:05.387 N] New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
[18:11:05.406 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\RamGuy\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
[18:11:05.408 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
[18:11:05.408 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\RamGuy\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
[18:11:05.426 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[18:11:05.428 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
[18:11:05.428 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot
[18:11:05.429 N] New bot added!: Questing
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: Party Bot
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: Garrisonbuddy
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: FishingBuddy
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
[18:11:05.432 N] New bot added!: Enyo
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: (191645) | Arcane Acuity (154742) | Arcane Affinity (028877)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Brilliance (001459) | Arcane Resistance (000822) | Arcane Torrent (028730)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Armor Skills (076276) | Auto Attack (006603) | Battle Pet Training (119467)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Blink (001953) | Blizzard (000010) | Cold Snap (011958)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cone of Cold (000120) | Conjure Refreshment (042955) | Counterspell (002139)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Expert Riding (034090) | Fingers of Frost (112965) | Fire Blast (002136)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Freezing Grasp (175689) | Frost Armor (007302) | Frost Nova (000122)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Frostbolt (000116) | Frostfire Bolt (044614) | Frozen Orb (084714)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Garrison Ability (161691) | Guild Mail (083951) | Hasty Hearth (083944)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Herb Gathering (002366) | Ice Barrier (011426) | Ice Block (045438)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Icy Veins (012472) | Invisibility (000066) | Languages (079748)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mass Resurrection (083968) | Mobile Banking (083958) | Mount Up (078633)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Polymorph (000118) | Portal: Silvermoon (032267) | Remove Curse (000475)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Revive Battle Pets (125439) | Shatter (012982) | Shoot (005019)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Slow Fall (000130) | Smelting (002656) | Spellsteal (030449)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Summon Water Eleme.. (031687) | Teleport: Silvermoon (032272) | The Quick and the .. (083950)
[18:11:06.093 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Weapon Skills (076298)
[18:11:06.095 D] [SpellManager] Evanesce (157913) overrides Ice Block (45438)
[18:11:06.095 D] [SpellManager] Ice Lance (30455) overrides Fire Blast (2136)
[18:11:06.095 D] [SpellManager] Ice Ward (111264) overrides Freezing Grasp (175689)
[18:11:06.098 D] Class profile set to MageFrost (Mage - Frost)
[18:11:06.386 N] (Singular) Initialize: started
[18:11:06.459 N] (Singular) 3.1 days since Windows was restarted
[18:11:06.466 N] (Singular) 110 FPS currently in WOW
[18:11:06.466 N] (Singular) 0 ms of Latency in WOW
[18:11:06.467 N] (Singular) 02/24/2016 19:11:06 local system time
[18:11:06.538 N] (Singular) GcdInitialize: using HonorBuddy GCD
[18:11:06.382 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
[18:11:06.383 D] Singular v4.0.0.4791 v4.0.0.4791
View attachment 12704 2016-02-24 19.09.txt