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Honorbuddy IRC - Unofficial IRC Chat

I was like YAY bout time, IRC is awesome stuff the java app Thanks APoc, then i seen
"Edit: Thanks to wired420 for providing a dedicated environment for us to have the IRC hosted."
And was like pass....-_- his the reason i dont use the java chat FLAME FLAME FLAME his Ego is just to much of a killer, his head will explode soon, :( i bet he starts banning people if they log in and get d/c :( sad times, Thanks for the effort Apoc Much appreciated
Erhm, just me who can't join the channels?

Keep writing "/j honorbuddy" and nothing happens.. and it seems to be massive lag for me :/

And.. is it a turkish IRC server? Can't understand anything :s

Edit: Scratch that.. guess the irc server doesn't support nnscript.
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Your doing it wrong :p

When you open mIRC (nnscript running is fine)

type /server irc.rootswitch.net

Then when connected

type /join #honorbuddy
I was like YAY bout time, IRC is awesome stuff the java app Thanks APoc, then i seen
"Edit: Thanks to wired420 for providing a dedicated environment for us to have the IRC hosted."
And was like pass....-_- his the reason i dont use the java chat FLAME FLAME FLAME his Ego is just to much of a killer, his head will explode soon, :( i bet he starts banning people if they log in and get d/c :( sad times, Thanks for the effort Apoc Much appreciated

Not sure if you're trying to troll... or if your english just sucks so bad I can't understand what you're saying.

I have only banned 2 people in IRC. Once for spamming, and the other for join/part flooding (a 3hr ban)
Wired, fix it so Morga and I can talk crap about Apoc behind his....... grace him with love.
I wonder if someone had similar issue, after i was on lanparty at friend's house (i logged irc there too) i cannot properly connect to IRC server.
I've static IP at home.

I'm getting similar messages in both Opera and XChat:

* Looking up irc.rootswitch.net
* Connecting to irc.rootswitch.net ( port 6667...
* Connection failed. Error: Connection timed out
* Disconnected ().

If i somehow succeed to connect i'm getting booted after 2-3 minutes probably same each time.
Tried PMing wired, but hes not responding.
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We moved the IRC (just an hour ago) to QuakeNet.

See the first post for connection details.
Someone we banned from IRC reported the IRC server as hosting a botnet. In turn threatsense uploaded us to the block list. I know who this was, and they are being dealt with accordingly. I've been sick as hell for the last week or so.

Anyways to the person tho reported the IP. You know who you are and since you did it against one of my company ips, I have large legal recourse against you since your in the United States. Say hello to the fine thats on its way via a lawyer I've obtained in your area. Thanks for the free $2,500 in restitution, or serving 6 months in jail as the alternative.
Someone we banned from IRC reported the IRC server as hosting a botnet. In turn threatsense uploaded us to the block list. I know who this was, and they are being dealt with accordingly. I've been sick as hell for the last week or so.

Anyways to the person tho reported the IP. You know who you are and since you did it against one of my company ips, I have large legal recourse against you since your in the United States. Say hello to the fine thats on its way via a lawyer I've obtained in your area.

Come join us on QNet tard!
Can't connect to irc.quakenet.org or any server, might be router >_>
At what time usually are people available for honor buddy support in the IRC chat?