vBOOM you say "Try to be a little more respectful.... some of the people working on this do it out of the goodness of their hearts." that is TOTAL BULSHIT, this bot is sold for money !!!
They mentioned last month, yes last month that the bot would be offline for one week. As for the changes in wow's core, yes that are alot, but the beta version bin out for along time, so that new core aint that new anymore.
This bot is a great bot yes, but it haves bin left on the side for some time now, other than do some updates to profiles etc nothing was changed in its programing for a long time.
The programers could have started ont a side version of it for MOP from the moment the beta was out, its not like some of them did not get to play or use the beta.
This is a sold product witch means, they do it for the money not out of the kindness of theyre hearts.
As for coding, yes it does require time but as sed, if they started to reprogram on the side a new version for MOP since the beta came out, today it would be possible to have a potable working version ready to work whit current update, or for the official launch of MOP with the only need to update a few changes/bugs/diferences beetween beta and final version.
I payed for this bot and i do not regreat my purchace and im satisfyed with it YES.
I will wait for a new usable and correct version, but that does not mean i i have to be happy with all the bullshit going around it's new version or watt ppl say here.
Again i insist on saying that this could be a functional bot allready if work on it would have started about 3 months ago, let's say, 4 months since it now 1 month its down.
PERIOD. say wat the F**** you want i know im right. Dont take this the wrong way, this is an excelent product.....it just didnt get in the last 4 months the atention it should have gotten....
Ps: Dont bullshit me about coding comments.....i code in c++, java an on th side i also do php and SQL so i do know the time it takes to come up with something correct...
Why not dot something myself since i have coding skills ? i say "STF up ", if i had the time, the will and the resources to do it, why not...and i do remind you that this bot is the work of a team of ppl not just one guy!
So yes i bitch about Honorbuddy becouse its not working yeat...like most ppl here, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I DO NOT admire the efforts/work ppl that did this putted in to it.
Maybe....just maybe....4 months ago....they could have actually told them selfs....hey there is a beta out of for WOW, lets get more cash out of this bot and start preparing for the next update xD.LOL