Tried and it helped.Try deleting some quests from your questlog. I had that problem ona toon with almost full questlog and it was fixed by removing some quests from the questlog.
[LEFT]Compiling expression '((HasQuest(26227)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(26227)))' @ line 53[/LEFT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][LEFT]Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrownSystem.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an Styx.WoWInternals.WoWQuestStep.()at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWQuestStep.get_AreaPoints()at Styx.CommonBot.AreaManagement.QuestArea..ctor(PlayerQuest quest, IList`1 questSteps)at Bots.Quest.Objectives.QuestObjective..ctor(PlayerQuest quest, List`1 questSteps, List`1 prerequisites)at Bots.Quest.Objectives.CollectItemObjective..ctor(PlayerQuest quest, List`1 questSteps, QuestObjective questObjective, List`1 prerequisites)at Bots.Quest.QuestManager.(QuestObjective , PlayerQuest , List`1 , List`1 )at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.(ObjectiveNode )at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.(OrderNode )at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor..()[/LEFT]
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ffa500][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ffa500][LEFT]Stop called!Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT]
Archbuddy still needs to be updated, or its done already?
Because I see it always being updated, and was wondering...
HB stops right after starting it up. Lvl9 toon in Elwynn Forest.
I truly understand. That's why I don't rush to purchase. Till then, I hope for a good Update news.I get really excited to see updates then land and umm crap I have to bloody start digging my self![]()
Could not generate any hotspots for quest Breaking the Chain. Please place a quest override for this quest.
In questing mode i have this message
Any help please ?
i have an with bgbuddy. i use a hunter. but the bot didnt fight, it just cast hunters mark on the target hundered of times
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
[Singular] Casting Hunter's Mark on Warlock
Hope somebody can help me