I think they passed singular on to a new dev/membr or whatever and I think he's going to do a good job. Mate has always helped me with shit he didnt need to, and seems to know his shit.
For my opinion, bot will be ready after Legion is out. Blizzard keeps updating the game every day.
This is just temporary and nothing different than last 2 expansions, Brawlers is going in and out a few times already. Plus the last Brawlers was a bit "rookie friendly" and with this bit disappointed - just 8 ranks, it was way more exciting and interesting in the past with the more ranks back then.I'm irritated that I didn't realize that the Brawler's Guild was going away.
You are free to browse his last two posts on this board, they are here open to anyone.I think him being banned is a bit stupid.
He was critical of the product and there is every reason to be right now.
Well blizzard is probably going to throw in updates every wednesday (eu), because of bugfixes and legion invasion events. So IF saturday would be the day HB is available again, then you have sat+sun+mon+tue to use hb, and then it'll probably need updating again. So I for one wouldn't count on too much uptime up to and including the legion launch. Has nothing to do with bossland being slow or bad with updating, but simply with the fact that a blizz update every week, will inevatebly mean that bossland needs to update hb every week as well.
Thanks for the update at leastToo bad we don't have a Blizzard insider that can pass the code early so we can have things ready in advance
Anyways... thanks for the hard work being put into the coding etc. Much appreciated.
made me chuckle!Corporate espionage is a whole different level of nope.
made me chuckle!
Son of a motherless goat ....another small patch just came down .22289