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Honorbuddy detected.

I would like to see a statement from the chaps from Bossland. Would like to know if they are aware of changes that Blizzard made, if they have bad experiences, if they are working on new ways (or not)...anything actually. Since we are buyers of their product which seems to be failing for a big group of the buying customer
HB itself isn't detected. Only some modules like GB2 are focussed by blizz right now, I think they just look for players flying all around the same hotspots in several days, they dont care if you use GB2 only 5 min. You will still use your predefinied hotspots and thats why its easy to detect. No player ever will be able to hit 50 of 50 hotspots perfectly on a second round on a farmroute.

Cleaning community is a nice thing. Nearly half of the subscribers corrupted with botting or using another 3rd party. It will make decrease their subscribers but when they complete the cleaning , nearly all of botters gonna stop botting. This will happen increasing quality of this game.

And whom changed to perma ban to 72 h ban , is not going to take risk of using hb. So they will succeed about the message that they are trying to give us.

As a perma banned then 72 h suspend player ,I stopped using hb. And not going to use it again.

And you guys better stop it . Or Blizzard will stop you one day .

I would like to see a statement from the chaps from Bossland. Would like to know if they are aware of changes that Blizzard made, if they have bad experiences, if they are working on new ways (or not)...anything actually. Since we are buyers of their product which seems to be failing for a big group of the buying customer

Now imagine they would answer every question of this type - they would need to hire a person just to do this job. And for what? To tell them the obvious, that currently Blizzard is cleansing their game? They same way the always did? Like they will do again in a year?
I got perma-banned, but appealed it a few days later, resulting in only a 3 day suspension. But there is definitely a ban wave going on atm.

What did you say? My farming account got perma-banned like 20 minutes ago but I wasn't too fussed because I already made all the gold I needed for my main... I just kept making more for the heck of it.

But if you got yours changed to 3 day, I might give it a shot. I just don't know what to say haha
i was running gb for 2 hours, 30 min wait, autoangler for 2 hrs, 30 min wait, then 2hrs of dungeon farming, 30 min wait, then repeat for 14 hrs a day roughly for the last month. Finally got the perma ban today. No player reports that I have seen, Most of the botting time was 6am-5pm when I'm awake and at the computer, few times where I had to go into work or such but never left alone for more then an hour at a time. would remote in from work to check status and such. 2nd account I've had banned like this.
you should look up the meaning of the word "proof". proof is based on hard facts. what you are doing is assuming something based on statistics. sure, statistics are used to proof things by definition, but even for that there are way too few bans for than. if everyone on the whole globe with the exception of lets say 2 or 3 people would be banned, them noone would deny that hb is detectable. but we're nowhere near that.
but as i said: in the end it doesn't matter.

THe ban repports posted on these forums only represent the tip of the iceberg of whats realy going on, blizzard lost 1mill+ subs in the last quarter, how many of those do you think was accounts getting banhammered for using honorbuddy.
I would like to see a statement from the chaps from Bossland. Would like to know if they are aware of changes that Blizzard made, if they have bad experiences, if they are working on new ways (or not)...anything actually. Since we are buyers of their product which seems to be failing for a big group of the buying customer

They are 100% aware it IMO, i mean how could they be not, they own this forums and my guess is they are reading it (hopefully).
As for the "we are paying customers" last time i brought it up, Tony replied that "if you can't afford to loose your account, don't bot with it"

I ll look for the quote link.


There you go.


To me, that reply tell me that they care less if you are paying or not...

Note the line were he says "there is no aggressive behavior from blizzard".

All i can say is just read the ban section and try to count how many accounts were lost since 1 month ago when the aggressive behavior from blizzard started.

Also don't be surprised if this topic gets deleted.
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hb is not detected. botting 6 accounts straight quest bot farming some endless dungeons 18/7.

only thing what will end in a fast ban is using GB2 or botting like a dumb idiot getting 10+ player reports in 5 minutes

Blablabla. I have been botting 24/24 for 3 years with a comp dedicated to bot and i have never had a ban. Now got 3*72h ban in 3 weeks with soft botting (profile changer, switching dailies, gathering, dungeon). Things have changed A LOT (for gatherbuddy).
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Account: WOW1
Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard Entertainment has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, and hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.

Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to terminate access for conduct of this nature, with or without warning, as noted in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use:
Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use

This page contains details on how suspensions are appealed and reviewed:

Blizzard Entertainment
I am running HonorBuddy on my main account for the last 3months - 12hrs a day - using LazyRaider. HonorBuddy itself has not been detected - the way it's used and popular profiles might be detected.
That Tony guy is quite well known for his rather superficial answers..
Just don't take it too seriously.

The Bot itself is not detected. But it?s clear that atm it?s not possible to earn money with botting.
Lazyraider/Tyrael is working without any problems.