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Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
Greetings Buddies,

We will soon release Honorbuddy again - we expect it to be by the end of this week.

Its been a week since we closed down the authentication servers for Honorbuddy. In this time, we tried to figure out what happened. We must say that we have no idea what really happened and all we have are speculations.

We speculate, that at some point, Blizzard used parts of the World of Warcraft client that acted in a hidden manner like malware. Then they scanned everything they could scan on a given computer and flagged the ones they thought were operating against their TOS/EULA. They are fine to install any such malware-type hidden software at any given time according to their End User Agreement.

There have been rumours, spread by Blizzard, that over 100,000 WOW Accounts have been banned during the ban wave on 13th May 2015 and that they are most likely all Honorbuddy users. We have to dispute this; there has never been that many active Honorbuddy users. We are still unaware if this was a real detection or some shady malware that was injected into everyones computer for a short period of time.

Be aware that we have not seen the cause of the bans. We have an anti-malware and anti-detection tool called Tripwire that aims to identify unexpected behaviour by gaming companies. We can just try to make sure, that the next time something shady has been done, that Tripwire detects it. Tripwire is the only hope we can rely on right now; it has been improved and hopefully will watch over your shoulder much better now.

Again, we will give no guarantee and we have never given a guarantee, that our software is immune to detection or bans.

We must say that we have no idea what really happened and all we have are speculations.
Hopefully the banwave was just Blizzard throwing a hissy-fit after the court winning and whatever they used won't be abused.
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awsome cant wait thnx i wil be using honorbuddy on my new pc not this old one it might be infected aswel
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For me this comes as close to the worst news possible - HB team without a clue on what actually happened. In my eyes, this completely destroys the market for anyone who value their account (Yada yada, don't bot bla bla, I know). For instance Raidbot users.

Less of an issue for farmers I guess ...
For me this comes as close to the worst news possible - HB team without a clue on what actually happened. In my eyes, this completely destroys the market for anyone who value their account (Yada yada, don't bot bla bla, I know). For instance Raidbot users.

Less of an issue for farmers I guess ...

shame, but o so true.
For me this comes as close to the worst news possible - HB team without a clue on what actually happened. In my eyes, this completely destroys the market for anyone who value their account (Yada yada, don't bot bla bla, I know). For instance Raidbot users.

Less of an issue for farmers I guess ...

Got to agree here.

The main reason i used HB was for rotations. I lost ALOT, and I'm not here to cry about it. Can't say i will use any bots in near the future if the HB staff even didn't know what the hell happened
it might be not an detection my banned accounts where all happened with kicks quest profiles i questbotted 8 hours a day nonstop to make gold 20k evry 4 days but i never got banned for using enyo and my routines and manually moving i think the questing part is verry detected
This is odd, because I woke up wondering if the same thing wasn't the case. As one of the non-banned, there has to be a reason i didn't get flagged and banned.

Blizzard GMs are clearly lying when they say they have 'years' of logs on users, because if that was the case I'd have been banned. It must have been something temporary and in a small window time-frame.

This leaves me thinking that they unleashed something of questionable legality in some jurisdictions and simply aren't mentioning it for obvious reasons. Release blizzwarez, collect data, sit on it for a month, then ban. Decreases the chances one of the banned can gather info on what got them banned.

I would be curious to see some polling of non-banned users to get an idea of what they were or weren't doing. Such as not using an administrative account on their OS, not using certain routines/bot bases, not having played during a certain stretch of time. (the last one seems pretty common, from what I recall)
We speculate, that at some point, Blizzard used parts of the World of Warcraft client that acted in a hidden manner like malware. Then they scanned everything they could scan on a given computer and flagged the ones they thought were operating against their TOS/EULA. They are fine to install any such malware-type hidden software at any given time according to their End User Agreement.

Thats not correct.
They are not fine.

I dont think it was a "malware attack" as this would be illegal and it doesnt matter what is in their End User Agreement, cause this is illegal.

Ty ! Stay strong !

Blizzard get rekt?

Blizzard won, they have a way to fuck HB over anytime they want, Bossland straight up said they dunno what happened, HB is JUST as vulnerable after new release, as when it was detected.

Why would you run the bot at this point? This is HB getting rekt beyond recognition
We speculate, that at some point, Blizzard used parts of the World of Warcraft client that acted in a hidden manner like malware. Then they scanned everything they could scan on a given computer and flagged the ones they thought were operating against their TOS/EULA. They are fine to install any such malware-type hidden software at any given time according to their End User Agreement.

This would make sense as the 6 month bans in countries where the law could be used to overrule the TOS/EULAand perm bans where the laws may not (parts of Asia?).

It would also align with the posts by members (e.g. EU members) getting phone calls and their accounts unbanned after sending letters with legal refferences.
Im glad that it is coming back. If I get banned using it, that will be my own fault. As for the detection part it seems odd to me. The account that I made on 05/04/15 was banned. The account that I got back 05/07/15 was not. Nor the booster accounts that I made the day of bans. So I feel like luck is on my side.
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