your user and pass is the same with your shop infook so i browsed the threads a lil bit more and i found out that paypal payments should activate the account on the spot ... so i`m starting to get worried here can a admin please reply to this thread ?....
post your log as attachmentdosnt work Attached to WoW with ID 192
Authentication failed.
also check this out
Active services list - No results for your search were found
Inactive services list - No results for your search were found
All services list - No results for your search were found
i`m not activated ?
[9:59:56 PM:968] Loading Honorbuddy 1.7.6 settings.
[9:59:56 PM:984] LastUsedPath: C:\Documents and Settings\Marian\Desktop\HB\Default Profiles\1-60_human.xml
[9:59:56 PM:984] FoodName: Moist Cornbread
[9:59:56 PM:984] DrinkName: Melon Juice
[9:59:56 PM:984] MountName:
[9:59:56 PM:984] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Documents and Settings\Marian\Desktop\HB2 beta 2\Continents_BGs
[9:59:56 PM:984] EnabledPlugins:
[9:59:56 PM:984] eTalent
[9:59:56 PM:999] LootMobs: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] SkinMobs: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] NinjaSkin: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] LootChests: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] HarvestMinerals: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] HarvestHerbs: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] UseMount: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] UseOldForm: False
[9:59:56 PM:999] PullDistance: 30
[9:59:56 PM:999] LootRadius: 45
[9:59:56 PM:999] RafFollowDistance: 3
[9:59:56 PM:999] SelectedBotIndex: 0
[9:59:56 PM:999] FormLocationX: 687
[9:59:56 PM:999] FormLocationY: 206
[9:59:57 PM:530] Attached to WoW with ID 192
[10:00:03 PM:843] Authenticating..
[10:00:04 PM:155] Authentication failed.