idk what do you mean by multibot profiles
but Hawker is talking about the profiles which are on our forums or for profiles with the same structure
you dont need any special profiles for this
Tony, the key to multibotting ist complety automated.
- farm multiple zones, farm Uldum, HS after x loops, repair, mail etc. go to twilight farm x loops....
- after x loops ah chars log in, pickup mail, sell herbs .put gold into gb .relog to farm char
- every x hours 5 hours bot stops, wow closes, after x hours bot starts again
AH char is on the same account as the farming account not running a 2nd bot or account for the selling
- performance depending on realm etc should be 50-100k gold per week.
running 40 bots takes 1 hour maintance time a day or per week. everything automated
On your forum many profile exist but no complete profile , all in one solutions