Dont laugh and flame i am serious. With a krateos profile, which is real multi botting support you could sell 10 000 licenses easy x20 euros = 200k euro.
You only need 500 customers who use 40 bots average. (of course your fee structure is the killer but not many other bots left)
This bot is probably the best product on the market for casual botters. Easy to setup, great quest and instance profiles.
However for multibotting, profiles dont exist in the public section.
A real mutlibotting profile should run unattended for weeks after it is setup properly.
- multi zone herb-mining
- mail to ah char relog to ah char and sell items and pickup mail
- customizeable relog function ( we all know 24/7 might get you banned quickly but 20/7 wont)
Additional bonus would be integrated functions like crafting (HB has those functions build in, pirox lacked the support for crafting)
At the end of the day it is about numbers, a profile which runs 1 week-4 weeks unattended and produces roughly 50-100k gold per week.
Krateos did the first stable profile for pirox and maintained it till the end. Considering that this bot has many additional functions (crafting,questing,instance support) a brilliant profile maker could satisfy the needs of about 1000s of shocked ex pirox multi botters
You only need 500 customers who use 40 bots average. (of course your fee structure is the killer but not many other bots left)
This bot is probably the best product on the market for casual botters. Easy to setup, great quest and instance profiles.
However for multibotting, profiles dont exist in the public section.
A real mutlibotting profile should run unattended for weeks after it is setup properly.
- multi zone herb-mining
- mail to ah char relog to ah char and sell items and pickup mail
- customizeable relog function ( we all know 24/7 might get you banned quickly but 20/7 wont)
Additional bonus would be integrated functions like crafting (HB has those functions build in, pirox lacked the support for crafting)
At the end of the day it is about numbers, a profile which runs 1 week-4 weeks unattended and produces roughly 50-100k gold per week.
Krateos did the first stable profile for pirox and maintained it till the end. Considering that this bot has many additional functions (crafting,questing,instance support) a brilliant profile maker could satisfy the needs of about 1000s of shocked ex pirox multi botters