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It works well, sometimes it mounts and runs away before it's done skinning, the problem however is that it keeps trying to kill "Festering Inquisitor", the 110 rare spawn with 4.1 mil hp.
Hi there is a situation with the pattern Blizzard seem to have put a level 110 just for FUN .. so if you are a lower level you get screw because you can't kill it
It works well, sometimes it mounts and runs away before it's done skinning, the problem however is that it keeps trying to kill "Festering Inquisitor", the 110 rare spawn with 4.1 mil hp.
Yeah I saw that too mate, it wasn't there when I wrote the profile. I could put an "avoid mob" script in but it's too near the bears to not pull aggro. The mob dies in 5 seconds with 800+ ilvl though. And, has a 100% drop of 2 cloth.
blizzard nerfed skinning 2 days ago or something. Now i get max 3 and i have stormscale rank 2. Which rank do you have? And i get 2 stonehide and i have rank 1
Thers no point actually making skinnin profiles till hb fixes skinnin where you kill a mob and it doesnt skin it it walks over and kills another mob then loots that and then goes back to previous mob and skins it it looks bot like to hell till hb fixes it then really no point skinning. ive posted logs about it in support they say there working on it but 4 versions of hb come out and no fixes