I have 8 foxflower profiles but all except one are private. sry.
You can add me on skype and i will let you know when i need testers for new ones.
70-85what loot radius you recomend
try ancient mana helper pluginMy only problem, is when im capped on ancient mana my toon just keeps trying to pick it up. It wont stop...any fix for this? Very much appreciate the profile other than that, its wonderful.
I found a way to fix the gathering if u're full on ancient mana. Besides that, u need to have the plugin, but sometimes, the bot will anyway stuck even if u have the plugin. U need to uncheck in interface options: spawn loot on mouse cursor. This must be OFF, because if it's on, i don't know why, it ALWAYS STUCKS, even with ancient mana helper. I tested it yesterday and for like 14 hours 0 stucks or relog or anything, just the plugin logic, loot, blacklist, and it's done. Try it cause it will save your day. Sry for highlighting that but this may seem an all profile problem, but it's just an interface communication problem i think.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 1233 nodes in 13h 13m 59s.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Starlight Rose: 893
[Gatherbuddy2]: Leystone Deposit: 217
[Gatherbuddy2]: Rich Leystone Deposit: 32
[Gatherbuddy2]: Rich Felslate Deposit: 14
[Gatherbuddy2]: Felslate Deposit: 75
[Gatherbuddy2]: Dreamleaf: 2
How can i setup that he regonize that i have full mana because i got 1000/1000 and he dont see that its full and conitnue to mining it again and again