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thank you so so much for this amazing profile, it helped me realy a lot (actually i am 420 herb) and it still runs like a charm....yesterday i was 45 420 lol...pretty amazing
Thanks for releasing this profile, 9/10 for me as I notice it gets stuck quite a few times in Terrokar but the unstuck function works. Still a good profile tho
Just bought the GB and already I'm excited to use it. I found this profile quite quickly and tried to download it, when I try though - It gives me some crazy messages in the GB Log such as;
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-3018.85 4323.48 34.70</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2983.91 4391.21 34.70</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2936.32 4454.29 38.72</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2871.53 4500.69 43.12</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2810.86 4551.48 48.60</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2779.53 4623.80 55.10</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2750.13 4698.22 61.61</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2740.44 4776.56 68.45</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-2768.13 4835.25 70.05</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Do anyone have an idea of what I'm doing incorrectly, or perhaps it's not useable anymore with the new GB?
Best Regards, Nicklas.
edit- turns out me and lischang were just being noobs
So this profile is actually a glider profile it seems and runs in Gather Buddy standalone, not via the new version that runs inside of honor buddy. However there is a profile converter plugin that someone made to remedy this and it works brilliantly.
Also I plan to go through and add some vendors/repair stuff to this profile to make it even better with the new HB integration. Will share when its done.
Haha, I would also like to add that my lvl 63 toon was getting his ass beat in SMV so I switched to the version without SMV. Thanks for that! I'd imagine that around 68 you could switch to using SMV as well, but personally I'll probably stick with no SMV as Fel Iron sells for more on my server than Adamantite.
So I've added Mailboxes and Vendor/Repair to this GB2 convert of Ryan's profile. A couple notes:
0) THIS IS FOR HORDE! I do not have any Ally toons so someone else will have to handle the mailbox and vendors for that.
1) This is the version of the profile without SMV included. I started this profile on a level 63 warlock and he was dying a lot in SMV so I decided to use the one without SMV. You could just add my mailbox and vendor code to a convert of the original profile and be fine. Thanks to "thebuster" for removing the SMV points.
2) The vendor/repair in Nagrand requires that you complete quests to sell/repair with him, so I have omitted him. There is however a Mailbox in this zone.
3) I only just made this and just started it up on my toon. This means it is untested, so please test and let me know if any tweaks need to be made to the vendor/mailbox part. I'm out of town for the weekend but will try to make any tweaks changes next week. Thanks!
So this morning I woke up and found my toon sitting at the mailbox using the profile I posted. He successfully mailed the goods to the bankalt, but then there was a GB2 error which made my toon keep trying to mail his healthstone and soulstone which of course he can't do. So I've added those items to my protecteditems.xml until the next release of GB2 where this warlock bug is fixed. Anyway, all of that to say that it looks like the profile with vendors is working.
Thanks for clearing out the errors I had uiop, was a great help!
Now it seems that my toon is up and running with the profile, which is awesome after my fustration over the program!
Ryan's Outland's Mega Route[GB2] Alliance with Repair & Mailboxes by Sander92 Version 1.0
Converted this too a GB2 profile last night. I also added repair vendors and mailboxes in the following Alliance repair/mailbox spots:
Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula
Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest
Telaar in Nagrand
Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley
This profile will most likely get you killed in Shadowmoon Valley if your not at least level 70. It's been tested with a 70 Demonology Warlock in full Brutal gear and it ran smoothly, if you are decently geared you should be fine here.
I'm quite new at making/editing profiles so there might be some mistakes here and there, tell me if you find any and I'll try to fix them.
Ryans Outlands Mega Route[GB2] Alliance with Repair & Mailboxes by Sander92.xml
The CC works for me, the only problem is sometimes it gets stuck in tree areas and it stays there in a tree like a freaking squirell for hours... not farming anything, wich is VERY BAD!