Hey, it seems like my bot always dies at Jade Forest, down at the starting area where all goblins/orcs are running. Can you blacklist that spot somehow? Garrosh'ar Point is the name of the place.
Very good your profile and bring me much gold into the house
Is there any way intended herbs from the route to delete? The bot Pullt each time to bestimmtten Mobs 5 Mobs Level 88. My time is too precious for me to constantly send my character to die in
Here is my character died 30 times
I can not watch constantly 8 hours on my character, how can I remove the herbs hotspots?
Tnx for ur profile but i dont know why it dosent Defense when its in combat !
I hope you can help me with 1 problem. When i leave my char to farm it uses different mounts and some of the mounts get stuck near trees. It only happens with wide mounts so any idea how can i choose the mount this profile shall use?
I litle noob question perhaps, but how do I delete blacklisted hotspots? I had set my interface options wrong (no need to explain how) but I have accidentaly blacklisted about half of all hotspots in Valley of the four winds, and I need to delete those
i know its not combatrountine but when its mining some deposits are near unit and it will get in combat and do bot do nothing sorry for my bad english
any one els hawing problem that the bot aint picking any thing up wen herbing?