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hb stops working after a period of time


Jan 30, 2012
Me and my friend have come across this bug or what so ever., hb stops doing what its supposed to do. For example, for me it stops doing quests after a hour or so. No error messages, no tile loading, just saying what its supposed to do on the quest next. Just starts to idle till away and after 30mins it disconnects due to inactivity. Im using kicks hyjal quest profile and amplify mage cc with kicks recommended plugins. Its very annoying since its not afkable at all.
:( any suggestions or solutions?
[23:46:48:796] Not in game
[23:46:50:926] Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped!
[23:46:50:926] Not in game

looks like a wow dc
Congrats for not looking the logs thoroughly

[7:29:02:433] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [6g78s42c]
[7:51:45:174] Not in game
[15:30:49:718] [Amplify]: Conjuring Refreshment

Left it running on the morning and when I got home wow was still running but not logged in and there you can see it, logged in when I got home and voil?. And no, I didn't have any network issues as my wife was home during the time working from home and using internet whole morning after I left and she said no errors and my filezilla had no reports of disconnecting and reconnecting so its related to the bot, not my internet. Thanks!
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i checked both of your logs

[15:33:42:876] Session is invalid!

that meas that your Hb lost connection to our servers

i cant make it more clear if you dont want to understand it
Please don't help me anymore :) You're just spamming nonsense to get more posts, thank you for "helping" :) I don't see any idea of editing logs if I'm asking for help. Anyways, both of the problems seem to be fixed now. This problem was mayby due to in proper routing on profile as it has stopped to afk couple of times while I've been watching, but as what goes the yesterdays disconnecting fiasco, I can't say anything about it execpt its working just fine now.
if you cant explain to me what Hb was doing from




then i cant help you

Hb logs almost every second

the only explanation can be a dc and a log back
Nothing, it was just running as a process and when I got home I logged back in with the same wow client which was still open and it continued what it was doing.
Nothing, it was just running as a process and when I got home I logged back in with the same wow client which was still open and it continued what it was doing.
that explains all then
Yeah, except the problem wasn't solved yet. Why did it stop what it was doing in the first place to let wow idle for more than 30minutes for it to log out?
Oh wow, I didn't expect that this many people had problems reading.. I just said my WoW didn't disconnect on its own, it disconnected due to inactivity because the bot stopped what it was doing.

[7:00:21:088] Changed POI to:Type: QuestTurnIn
[7:00:21:205] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[7:02:02:044] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [6g78s42c]
[7:26:34:252] Spell_C::CastSpell(1459, 0, 0x2000000048A79C2, 0) [481]
[7:26:35:475] Spell_C::CastSpell(30482, 0, 0x2000000048A79C2, 0) [482]
[7:26:35:608] Spell_C::CastSpell(30482, 0, 0x2000000048A79C2, 0) [483]
[7:26:35:741] Spell_C::CastSpell(30482, 0, 0x2000000048A79C2, 0) [484]
[7:29:02:433] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [6g78s42c]
[7:51:45:174] Not in game
[15:30:49:718] [Amplify]: Conjuring Refreshment
[15:30:49:719] Spell_C::CastSpell(42955, 0, 0x0, 0) [485]
[15:30:52:406] Spell_C::CastSpell(42955, 0, 0x0, 0) [486]

First it waited 24 minutes without doing anything, then it waited 22 minutes before doing anything. So in total of 49 minutes it tried to cast 4 spells which were Arcane Brilliance once and thrice Molten Armor.
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They are going to want a full log not a snipit of one

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk
Actually, it did it again.. Stopping and starting the bot doesn't help, it just stays still and does nothing.. Restarting the bot helps and it starts like a charm..


Mmmh, and no, I'm not dead.. Eventho the log says I'm dead and its trying to release corpse...