Hi my pandaren wont pull the tangled roots in farm, i send the diagnostic file attached. thx in advance and great work with this profile.
Every other race works fine.
sorry didnt know... there's the log file, the problem is with tangled roots the char wont move to pull them.. thx for the quick reply.
Try to run Timeless Isle coin farming, and it keeps giving me this. "Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 72754 in database."
First thought is Cache Corruption. Delete the Cache folders listed in the Known Issues post on page 1. Quest relates to Rolo's Riddle. If you are currently on that chain, try moving to the completion area, or the next "npc" that gives a quest for it, and continue it from there.
[10:49:31.317 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Tangled Enigma Seed (id: 65922, dist: 19.7, TtB: 19s)
[10:49:31.392 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Tangled Enigma Seed.BB40 h=100.0%, maxh=84, d=19.8 yds, box=0.0, trivial=True, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=N, entry=65922, faction=35, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N
[10:49:32.408 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Tangled Enigma Seed (id: 65922, dist: 14.3, TtB: 18s)
[10:49:33.561 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Tangled Enigma Seed (id: 65922, dist: 6.9, TtB: 17s)
[10:49:34.463 D] [InteractWith-v1188(debug)] Interacting with 'Lvl 90 Alliance Monk's pet'
I've seen this issue several times in the past. It moves to the object, it knows the correct object to interact with, then attempts to interact with some "non-existant pet". I don't know if WoW is interpreting the object as a pet when active or what...
But also, your "@ line ###" and the lines in the actual profile do not match up. You may be using an older version of my profile. Please make sure you are using the most up to date version of my profiles from my plugin listed on page 1.
Can`t Download it, it seems like there is no Folder. When im Click on the Download Zip File all what i get is:
PK ?CBrodiesPlugin/PK CBrodiesPlugin/Settings/PKC???R??(BrodiesPlugin/Settings/Main-Settings.xml{?{??}En?BYjQqf~?*?????Bj^r~Jf^?*RiI?????/??S?{N~RbNpjI P?(? `??_Z??X?j?S?j??,?P??X???aRT S+qJ,N (?O??I ???H???c:E?-PK?*CV?i:,??)BrodiesPlugin/BrodiesPluginUI.Designer.cs?][o?H?~o ???X?º??L;??L?????/ h?l?H5I9q??/??I???H???:?X? ??C??????:?:????i??2? ?,???(.??m?~??}??U?,?????%QQ i~z?!i(??g?Y*V?E???y??R???s1??oS?[QG?????{*`??Q)?????y?Xf?H???\$??YZFq-s????~??U?<??T???jiE??"[?3QX?"No*U!??V??W-?zX??q??J???2_ +??Q?y??]?J??? ??????N??B?Z7QR??*??$+??De"???xn??9????6`?1??????t?%?????7??mq2??:?i???!???^G???n[?g?W??-?q?Z???<?XX??|a?l?t+??z4f$??F ? Q?es?&?;??j??????gV???"??7?C ?4U/L??`e7??q?J??w A57b?Y???d?M????[??????2??????6??O?2T?????9??j?FVe?z????????v?l? gc?l??Qo??*??l???2?q=????oIY_W???]???~????nJ?*J ?J???}jS??>??rU>&bz)nWI???x?G?xV?T*)?/??Z???j??6e??b??? A????[J}????K??????? +5?P???B???X?}???T????U????,??gI?W???X??j4 FO5??2?{??%? ???gY27??t2??'#?TP???w[F `?????q??z?"TJ? ??"S>u?7??z???ª^]?'?x%??? ?W???=#J??Q??-??? J?C*A??+??}va??z?^}Z?<?L?hB?OqK|0??L????|$?????2u???l9? ?;?k? %V?v^??X??T1u??V???;?Nr??L?????2ZH'*?I??????I??\|??{?+,y????(?:?*??.1??-r?I?j????????*?~;??7????F??-????_?x?????a&
Maybe the File isnt any longer on the Server ?
so which profile do I use to gather all the chests on timeless isle? The coin farming or chest farming? The way chest farming is worded, it sounds like it's only used to spend coins.
Hey brodieman!
i have a problem installing your porfile package.
at point 4 i just get following error message:
"Loaded TheBrodieMan's Compendium Plugin v1.4.0
Please Wait While [Brodies Plugin] Checks For Updates, This MAY Take Several Minutes
Unable to run [Brodies Plugin] update process
Unable to run [Brodies QB Updater] update process
Unable to run [Brodies Profile Updater] update process"
how do i fix this?
here it is:
I keep getting stuck on the Tillers dailies. The bot just stops at a mountain wall and does nothing! I tried restarting and updating but it isn't working.