Bot stuck trying to hand in Pest problems. it flew back the halfhill market with the following log:
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tiller Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Tillers Quests.
[Profile Message]: Quests Completed. Returning to Halfhill.
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Mounting: Snowy Gryphon
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
We are stuck! (<-186.0538, 637.1277, 168.1815>)
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
It was floating, mounted just above the ground, noit near the quest turn in npc
EDIT It said waiting for quest npc to appear to turnin quest, but the quest npc is haohan Mudclaw, who isnt in halfhill market, but noreth of there. Why was it in Halfhill??
EDIT 2: After handing that quest in manually, it flew straight back to the same spot in halfhill trying to hand in "A gift for sho", which is.... not in halfhill either. Im giving up on this toon