The best plugin there ever was, _handsdown_. I have donated / purchase the premium version in order to support you. Just a question from my side though, what are the requirements in order to the the Mists of Pandaria dailies going? I have just levelled myself a Blood Elf Paladin and I have obviously not done any of the dailies whatsoever yet besides unlocking Isle of Thunder and doing the entire intro quest-chain there and unlocking Timeless Isle.
I guess there are some things you have to get done before the plugin is capable of doing the dailies for you? I'm still neatural with The Klaxxi for instance, I suppose the plugin / profile requires at least Friendly to get started? The reason why I'm asking is because upon starting the Mists of Pandaria Dailies in the plugin it will do Golden Lotus, and Golden Lotus only before it claims there is nothing more to do. I don't have any log files or anything as I suspect this to be something wrong on my part and not the bot / plugin as I suppose it would require your character to have a minimum amount of reputation and unlocked a certain amount of quests beforehand?
Would it be possible to include these requirements in the first post / guide so we know what we must do before we can expect the plugin / profile to get the job done? I think this would help getting rid of stupid questions and post like mine. Its always a good thing to know whether errors are related to your own character progression and not the actual plugin. Sadly the plugin itself does not seem to tell us whether we lack some requirements or not, it only claims everything to be "done" before it has really done anything with 90% of the daily factions.
For something completely different. I have been running your Timeless Isle Coin farming profile for ages. Due to the scripting and it being able to dodge elite mobs attacks its undoubtedly the best thing there ever was for framing anything on Timeless Isle. But there is one catch, and that's these god damn Spectral Mistweaver's in Old Pi'Jui Village.. I have no clue why this is but both my level 90 ilevel 545 Windwalker Monk, and my level 90 ilevel 520 Retribution Paladin do struggle a lot with these mobs. It will target, damage it somewhat then start running right past it, running back and kill it. The problem is when running past it, I'm not sure if it's doing this to avoid the whirlwind attacks or whatnot but unfortunately it will in 90% of the cases aggro more mobs. This is not a huge problem with good ilevel, but when it all of a sudden ends up with 3, 4, 5, 6 of these things I will end up dying.
It does look fuzzy and I'm somewhat scared of actually getting reported for this strange behaviour as it screams "bot" for miles away. I can run the profile for hours and days at it will rarely die at all besides Blood Coin ganking and times with rather bad luck where it might pull a elite mob or two too many. But upon arriving that Old Pi'Jui Village the bot will die for certain and it will happen multiple times each and every time the profile takes my character through this village. It kills efficiency and it makes the bot quite obvious for any player around. Is there some workaround to get this portion blacklisted? These mobs don't drop any larger amount of coins or anything compared to the others to begin with so I would much rather the profile avoided Old Pi'Jui Village completely as it features no real value and will cause certain deaths and obvious bot behaviour for other players to spot.
Another thing that would boost the coin farming would be to include the rare mobs. Make it so that rare mobs within like 100 yards get high priority. In 99% of the time rare mobs will get instantly killed by other players so the bot does not really need to be able to take down the rares are at all. It would just need to priorities the rare mobs in order to get a few strikes in before it dies. I have noticed several times that the bot run straight past rare mobs being killed by other players, it might even stand killing a normal mobs right next to a rare mob with half health left.