I noticed that the plugin skips Cloud serpent and Shieldwall dailies....
also noticed this errors in log when i checked:
[09:14:36.500 D] Loading profile from S:\GAMES\HB2new\Default Profiles\TBMC\Reputation\TMOPDE\[Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml
[09:14:36.520 D] XML Error: Unknown tag "LootMobs" (Input: "<LootMobs>True</LootMobs>") in "HBProfile"! - On line 10
[09:14:45.384 N] [Brodies Plugin] Profile Swapper: Load Profile: S:\GAMES\HB2new\Default Profiles\TBMC\Reputation\TMOPDE\[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie].xml
[09:14:45.386 D] Loading profile from S:\GAMES\HB2new\Default Profiles\TBMC\Reputation\TMOPDE\[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie].xml
[09:14:45.432 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 202
[09:14:45.441 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 258
I have all possible reputations checked except Isle of Thunder
View attachment 121152