*NEW* Singular available for download!
!!! 5.3 Updates - Limited Testing -- DO NOT POST WITHOUT LOG FILE !!!
See the
Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post for details on how to request assistance, post about a problem, or ask questions about the behavior of your botting session with Singular.
Still receiving too many bug/question posts regarding behavior users watched that don't contain a complete log file and point of reference to when a single event happened. So, no multi-color bright lights this time. Just a simple request to provide the detail.
Don't forget to
use the recently added LOGMARK! button. This button provides the same behavior as the LOGMARK plugin.
Having a problem while running Singular that you want to report? Click the LOGMARK button immediately when you notice. A line will be added to the log file at that time and now you have a very accurate way to let me know when the problem occurred.
Ok, now that's out of the way:
- Download the latest version of Singular.ZIP from Post #1 in this thread
- .ZIP in Singular thread will always be the current version
- HonorBuddy will contain an older version until a new release of HB posts
This release is primarily to address 5.3 changes impacting Singular. It was tested to the extent it could be prior to 5.3 being deployed, but the nature of some of the changes prevented that. Also includes a new feature for treating trivial mobs as such ( anticipating a 3 shot or less mob not worth of buffs/totems/pet/etc)
Any post must include a debug log file (a file created with Debug Logging set to true.) To do this, click Class Config and set the Debug Logging option to 'true' then run until you create the issue again. The resulting log file will contain more info than a standard log file which will be essential in understanding the decisions being made by Singular which you weren't expecting.
As always, the prior version is still available for download. If you encounter a problem due to the new release of Singular you can always downgrade as needed.
[B]--- Release ---[/B]
*new* - Support for all 5.3 changes which impact Singular. Those changes will be marked as 5.3 in these notes
*new* - Support for identifying "trivial" mobs, which when targeted should result in skipping buffs, totems, and other abilities not required for farming low level characters. Note, this is not a lowbie farming optimal spell priority at this time, just eliminates abilities that clearly should not be needed. Setting in Class Config allows expressing the maximum health value of a trivial mob as a percentage of your maxiumum health. Default is 50%
*5.3* - All Specs - Force of Nature is no longer on the GCD
*5.3* - All Specs - Blink Strike is no longer a talent; Blink Strikes is now a passive ability
*5.3* - All Specs - Binding Shot is no longer a talent
*5.3* - Marksmanship - learned by Marksmanship Hunters at level 30.
*5.3* - All Specs - Intimidation is now a level-30 talent available to all Hunter specializations and no longer learned by Beast Mastery Hunters at level 20.
*5.3* - All Specs - Nimble Brew now removes Horrify effects
*5.3* - All Specs - Devotion Aura will remove Silence
change- Protection- uses the Word of Glory settings in Class Config
*5.3* - All Specs - Shuriken Toss no longer doubles damage on targets greater than 10 yds, so will cast if appropriate regardless of range
*5.3* - All Specs - Cloak and Dagger requires stealth (Shadow Dance does not apply)
*new* - All Specs - added values in Class Config - Class Specific settings to control Shield Twisting
*5.3* - All Specs - Lightning Bolt can be cast while moving
*5.3* - All Specs - cast Berserker Rage prior to Enraged Regenertation if not Enraged already
Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but
you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the link at the top of this post for details.