Bobby, Are you looking for class enhancement options? for DK I've noticed quite a few oddities...
Xaq, Absolutely! Thanks for posting...
1. AoE does not disable ALL aoe - for example it still casts howling blast, and death and decay, I've tried every AoE option, for example setting AoE mobs to like 30 (even tried 500) - I tried setting AoE to off in instances, and I tried using an AoE hotkey, none of them seemed to truly turn off AoE - this is problemating in a few of the end instances - I basically have to fight these fights manually as DPS
Sounds like the config may not be as obvious as hoped then. Here are your options presently for control of that:
1. HotKey - this should disable use of all AOE spells. That's the reason for its existance, so if any is occurring that is a bug worthy of a log file. If the hotkey has been used to disable AOE, then no Howling Blast or Death and Decay should be cast regardless of their importance to the single target spell priority.
2. Use AoE in Instance [DPS] setting. This setting as indicated by its name, indicates whether the AoE spell priority should be enabled in Instances for DPS. It didn't really disable the use of all AoE spells. It is a legacy setting prior to the HotKey being added. Will remove in next release.
3. Death and Decay Add Count. This setting indicates when the AoE Spell Priority should kick in. Add Counts below this do not disable the use of AoE spells that are part of the single target rotation however.
Last and not least, I would like the option to change stances, in MOST situations the stance matching your spec is appropriate, but there are many times when I would like to switch to blood or unholy, especially while raiding so perhaps have an auto or manual option?
Added in next release. You'll have the ability to leave set as Auto (Singular chooses based upon spec), None (User has full control), or a specific presence.
2. for the dk blood/tank you need an option to use death strike to build blood shield - you should be spamming death strike on cooldown practically (i'm open for discussion on this, perhaps I am doing it wrong!) - so basically you may need a death strike exclusive option such that you can tell the DK to use every frost/unholy/death rune on death strike. I would note that pure rotation has this option but I'll be honest, I do a consistent 30-40k MORE with singular - I haven't tried tanking with pure rotation but I'm not at all impressed with it's DK rotation.
It should already be casting Death Strike on cooldown at a very high priority, so it should be getting first ***** at the Runes. As for right way or wrong way, ideally the best solution is awareness of the fight so you can use harder hitting abilities when Death Strike is not necessary, but also time its use prior to receiving burst damage so your activie mitigation handles it. Since Singular doesn't have awareness of the targets abilities and has no anticipation logic, it can only cast on cooldown hoping that sufficient shields are up at the time.
I'll run a test a bit later to see if I can detect it, but ideally if you could shoot me a log file showing an instant where an ability other than Death Strike was cast where it could have been that would be terrific. In general it presently should be subscribing to the Death Strike ftw mentality.
Thanks for all your hardwork - I've tried virtually every other DK routine and singular is by far the best so far... nevermind that it works with everything else as well!
Thanks - X
Thank you for the post and your suggestions! Best of luck with your DK, Bobby53
Edit: as expected from what you described, a review of the code showed Howling Blast and Death and Decay were being used in single target spell priorities where recommended for optimal DPS, however it did not include a check for whether AOE was disabled by the hotkey. Updated in next release so that ALL calls to Blood Boil, Death and Decay, and Howling Blast are made only if the AoE HotKey hasn't disabled their use. This applies to all specs in Normal and Instance contexts. It does not affect PvP