What Class+Spec are you?: Boomkin
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal
What level are you?: 100
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur?
What happened (be specific)? (See Below)
Did you attach a complete debug log? Yes
View attachment 187088
Logmark#1&2 unexplainably standing and getting beat up on.. eventually reacted.
Logmark#3: Trying to skin while getting beat up on. This will persist until he skins or dies or I manually stop and start the bot.
Logmark#4: Same as #3
Logmark#5: Same as #3 & 4
I'll run more logs for you if you like or anything else I can do to help lmk.
MrPewterSchmidt, Thanks for taking the time to put together a detailed example with LOGMARKs for the issues encountered. Review of this indicates that it is not a Singular issue and someone on the HB Team would need to look into this. It is possibly related to the InteractWith-v2106 quest behavior wanting to move towards a new target and cast Moonfire while another component (HBCore or possibly Questing) wants to skin the mob you killed, etc.
Here are the details on what I see in your log:
LOGMARK #1: BotBase stopped calling Singular so it is unable to take any action. Appears to be due to Questing BotBase attempting to harvest Withered Herb and then not calling Combat Routine again. Singular has logic to detect when the BotBase is not calling so the log has an indication of thisand can be seen at:
[16:35:10.470 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 30.3 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Heal)
LOGMARK #2: Refers to the same issue as #1
LOGMARK #3: Similar issue but occurred in attempt to skin Scaleclaw Lashtail. Issue ended after 12.6 seconds per log entry due to you stopping the bot
LOGMARK #4: Same. Only got out of it because you pressed Stop after 22.1 seconds
LOGMARK #5: Ditto, but you waited 54.1 seconds
No more logs should be needed. Effectively, its the botbase deciding to fight back, not the Combat Routine. A Combat Routine is effectively a slave, which must be called by the botbase to take any action. If it isn't called, then it cannot do anything (such as in this case where you wanted it to fight back.) The Combat Routine is just a tool used by the Botbase to conduct a fight without having to know the specifics of each class and specialization.
To see the delays present in your log file, load into notepad and search for:
since BotBase last called
There are times where the Combat Routine is validly not called (botbase wants to run through mobs without fighting back, etc.) In those cases you may see these entries if it lasts for more than 10 seconds, but they don't represent an error. However in a case like this where your toon trying to harvest then stands around doing nothing while being attacked (which can only be visually observed) it is clearly indicating an error situation.
My recommendation is to create a new thread in the HonorBuddy Support subform describing your issue, then add one link to your post above and another link to this response. That way the information the need can be referenced but any follow up they have regarding this issue would come to you in the thread you create.
Thanks again for the post, -Bobby53