This is from the Profile Dev
and now? who is right? CR-Profile or HB Core?
Tumbum, Have mentioned this in past posts, but Singular does not take an action like setting the CurrentTarget or the BotPOI without output of a log message. In this case, it would be one of the following two messages:
[Singular] Switching to ganker: .....
[Singular] Pull More wants to aggro .....
These do not appear in your log so it is not Singular going out of its way to choose Lucky as a target. The key messages in your log are:
[16:29:50.410 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (unknown).E770 h=100.0%, maxh=3523, d=19.7 yds, box=1.2, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=3823, faction=4, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[16:29:50.478 N] (Singular) <<< PULL >>> CurrentTarget now: (unknown).E770 h=100.0%, maxh=3523, d=19.2 yds, box=1.2, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=4, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=N, pagro=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
The 'YourCurrentTarget' message is an informational message output by Singular notifying you that "something" changed the target. It does not indicate that the target change was done by Singular, only that it recognized somebody changed it. That message is output even if the user interferes with bot operation and manually changes the target.
The <<< PULL >>> message indicates that Singular's Pull Behavior was called. As you know from past posts, a Combat Routine doesn't decide when to pull. The BotBase decides this and then tells the Combat Routine to perform that action by calling its Pull Behavior. This message indicates that the BotBase told Singular to Pull Lucky.
So which component is responsible? You and the profile author will most likely need to work that out from the other components involved. I can only say it wasn't Singular at this point.
Profile is responsible - if it is setting the opposing faction as a valid kill target
Plugin is responsible - if it set Lucky as the current valid target or specifically as the BotPoi
HBCore is responsible - if none of the above were the cause
As for the plugins, I can see you had the following plugins active which based on my prior usage were not responsible: Anti Drown, Refreshment Detection, Tidy Bags 3.6 Reloaded. That still leaves CavaPlugin, LogMeOut!, or MIR2. I don't use those so you will either want to review or check with the respective authors if they do any of the following actions:
- include enemy players in the TargetList
- set the Current Target (at any time)
- set the Current BotPoi (at any time)
Any of those three actions could lead to what occurred for you. The log seems to indicate that it Lucky was either just the last target included in the target list -or- it was specifically targeted. Also, this could occur if the targeting were done manually. I don't need to know as there is nothing left on this for me to research, but if you manually clicked on the enemy player to inspect their gear, to target for an emote like /wave, etc. it is possible that initiated this sequence causing them to be included in the target list and then selected as a pull target. That really depends upon whether any of the other components are blindly including "Me.CurrentTarget" in the IncludeTargets filter.
Just to reiterate, Singular does not decide when to Pull or choose the Pull target and there is nothing in the log indicating that Singular targeted Lucky. Singular appears to be the only component involved at that point in your log which identifies itself and its role in attacking that player (by writing log statements regarding its actions and decisions that begin with the texts [Singular]). I can confirm that you can rule out Singular as the cause on this one, but unfortunately won't be able to be of further assistance.
Hope the additional detail is of use in running this one down, -Bobby53