muztek, Welcome to HonorBuddy! When posting in the Singular forum, you will want to provide more information about your character. For details on how to do this, see Bobby53's Standard Response (click here). Thanks again for your post and good luck with your DK, Bobby53Looking for an option to turn Death Grip on. would make leveling alot easier for my DK.. it might be there i just cannot see it
xaq, No it has not. It is partially implemented which in the case of Mistweaver means it supports solo combat for use while questing, grinding, etc. and basic healing (should heal dungeons through Level 60.) I am in the process of fully implementing and should have a release posted later today. Thanks for checking in, -Bobby53has mist weaver been fully implemented yet? I notice the front page still says partial?
Dead? Have you seen Millz' CR's, TuanHA's, YourRaidingBuddy, Oracle?! It's far from dead.Why do i feel this scene is dead ? I'm just getting back and it seems this is the only truly "active" custom-class "or as you call it, combat routine"
boizee, Thanks for the post. A check is made, so if a water totem is cast while a Mana Tide Totem exists it is a bug. Please see Reporting Bugs [click here] and follow those steps so I have enough information to be able to look into the issue for you. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Hey there just a suggestion with the Shaman Resto Rotation. Is there anyway to add in a line to make it check for Mana Tide Totem before placing any other form of water totem?. I just think atleast in the lower levels it contributes a huge amount to mana regen and overall effeciency.
Giwin, Thanks for the post. Singular takes into account whether there are neutral mobs in range and suppresses AOE usage in some cases, but intentionally does not for all AOE casts especially for cases where the character should be able to handle adds. For a Lowbie character such as the Mage in the log file you provided, it should avoid casting Frost Nova if any neutral mobs is in range. I've made a fix for this available in the next release of Singular. Thanks for the log file and good luck with your Mage, Bobby53What Class+Spec are you?: Mage - Unknown (below level 10)
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing
What level are you?: 4
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: Yes, use Trinkets and Flasks/Elixirs
What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? 10:16:27.746 D - Around here
What happened (be specific)? The mage bot used AoE when there was a lot of neutral mobs around, I believe the bot doesn't take the neutral mobs count in consideration when using AoE spells, this doesn't happen every often. So the bot ends up pulling about 5 mobs and ends up dying a lot.
I believe the bot shouldn't use an AoE spell if they're too many neutral mobs around.
Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) YES
Arnold2222, Thanks for the post but not sure I follow the specifics of the question, but get the general idea you have a question regarding the versions. You can always view the version of Singular loaded by clicking Class Config. If you have a question regarding your installation please be sure to include a Log File attached to your post. See Reporting Bugs (click here) for details. Thanks and good luck, Bobby53Hi, thanks for gj
Short question, in HB is implemented v 3502 but on page I can see 3494, also you wrote that it is implemented into HB so when you make new version the HB ll request update to get newest version ?
Thanks in advance.
acended, You'll want to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs (click here) when posting an issue. With that information available I'll be able to research exactly what has gone wrong in the case you described. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Hunter, Bobby53Hi i am using singualar for my hunter it beats all other cc's hand down in SOObut i have an issue.
People in my raid have an addon called bad pet and that is showing that my pet is taunting all trash mobs, i have looked at the cc settings but cant find where to turn pet taunting off, can you help plz
velonici, Thanks for the post. It should absolutely be using the glove enchant based upon your description. Please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs (click here) when you encounter an issue and I'll have the details necessary to research the problem for you. Thanks and good luck with your Engineer, Bobby53Are there any known issues of using the glove enchants from engineering? I have the Synapse Spring on my hunters gloves but she never uses them. I have tried to set the option to "use in combat on cooldown" and on "use on cooldown but makes no difference. I can post a log if needed but wanted to check first.
junk, Thank you for the very detailed and considered post. That is an issue we have seen with Shaman previously. The issue was due to one of these two issues:[Posted originally on the support forum, but since this is Singular related, I was forwarded here. LINK]
What Class+Spec are you?: Resto Shaman
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): DungeonBuddy RAF team
What level are you?: Started noticing this since lvl ~60
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: See below
What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? Description of logs
What happened (be specific)? See my rather confusing description below
Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) YES
So, I am running a 5-man RAF team and at around the time of Hellfire Ramparts my tank started dying. So I started watching the healer closely and noticed that while the tank is taking huge damage spikes, the healer does literally nothing to help him, only refreshing Riptide and Earth Shield from time to time, but that was not enough for him to survive. The tank died and while the DPSs took aggro, the healer started to pull out everything he had to save them. I started to think something of family issues within the group
This situation is visible in the first log. The fight goes wrong at around 19:54:38, where the palading starts dropping on health and the only activity I can see from the shaman is Healing wave which is even cancelled before the cast finished. The tank dies at 19:54:45.
Another death occurs at 19:52:10, pally's health drops but no heal is coming from the shammy. Tank died at 19:52:14, the rest of the group is healed just fine until the tank is battlerez'd.
View attachment 135879
After this I wasn't very successful at collecting tank deaths' logs, but at least I've captured situatons where it was "just close" and the shamans slacking is quite visible in there. Second situation and the second log was from Vortex Pinnacle. At around 18:11:00 he pulled a bigger pack of mobs and started dropping on health as much as to 28%. For the following 25 second the only heal that he got from the healer was Riptide, nothing otherwise.
View attachment 135880
At this point I should state, that I use only the default Honorbuddy installation, with no extra plugins, the DungeonBuddy and Singular config is set up according to the DB guide (i.e. Targeting and Movement disabled in Singular, as recommended). I have tried enabling the targeting back to no avail, I also tried disabling DPS for healer. One of the brigter moments seemed to be when I bumped Framelock rate from 10 to 20, but this turned out to be false positive, not actually solving the problem.
Still without feasible results, I started digging a little in the code. I ended up with VERY stripped version of Restoration.cs, leaving the minimum with only Healing Wave and Healing Surge in that code (the file reduced to ~20 kB). To my surprise the shaman was healing just fine all party members including tank. After this findings I was slowly putting original pieces of code back into Restoration.cs and finally seemed to have narrowed down the problem to line 633, where "CreateRestoShamanBuffTidalWaves()" is being called. This seems to have helped at the point where I was so I wanted to dig a bit deeper, but sadly at that time my 5-man team has already collected enough gear so the tank was unable to take any noticable damage, rendering all my subsequent dungeon tests pretty useless.
One last thing I could do was to find a dungeon with lava where I can jump in with my tank to see what the healer does. I found one and was testing this with both the modified and unmodified version of Restoration.cs, with the result being same for both - the healer was doing fine and topped up the tank without problems. With an important difference from a real run - this was out of combat.
To sum up my findings:
- shaman often completely ignoring the tank with direct spells, only Riptide and Earth Shield are used
- with healer DPS enabled, it only does damage when the tank is topped up
- when the tank health drops, healer will neither heal him, nor do DPS
- healing of the rest of the group is working fine, no issues there, all heals immediate
- healer is healing tank just fine when out-of-combat
NOTE: One of my theories says that the CreateRestoShamanBuffTidalWaves() method attempts to use Riptide every time when Tidal Waves buff is not up. Riptide however has a 6 sec cooldown, and while it can be removed by using specific glyph, not everyone uses this. In case the code has been written with the expectation of having no cooldown on Riptide, blocking of other actions might be happening, but I'm not familiar enough with the code to confirm this to be true.
Thanks for lookig into this and sorry for the confusing description, I'm still trying to figure out myself what's happening.
[19:54:41.074 N] (Singular) Tidal Waves=2[19:54:41.077 N] [Singular] *Healing Wave on lead.Paladin.7C9D @ 84.1% at 25.9 yds
[19:54:41.760 N] [Singular] /cancel Healing Wave on lead.Paladin.7C9D @ 100.0%
[19:54:41.963 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Interrupted
[19:54:41.963 N] (Singular) error parsing Guid ''
[19:54:41.963 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Healing Wave#331 failure: 'Interrupted'
[19:54:42.104 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=98.1%, combat=N, twaves=1, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], heal=Me hh=100.0% @ 0.0 yds, hcombat=N, tph=100.0%, tloss=True, eshield=N, riptide=0, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=57.0%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:42.108 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=98.1%, combat=N, twaves=1, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], [COLOR=#ff0000]heal=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2[/COLOR] hh=57.0% @ 28.1 yds, hcombat=Y, tph=57.0%, tloss=True, eshield=N, riptide=0, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=57.0%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:42.108 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=98.1%, combat=N, twaves=1, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], heal=Me hh=100.0% @ 0.0 yds, hcombat=N, tph=100.0%, tloss=True, eshield=N, riptide=0, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=57.0%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:42.197 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=98.9%, combat=Y, twaves=1, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], [COLOR=#ff0000]heal=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2[/COLOR] hh=57.0% @ 28.1 yds, hcombat=Y, tph=57.0%, tloss=True, eshield=N, riptide=0, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=57.0%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:42.197 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=98.9%, combat=Y, twaves=1, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], heal=lead.Paladin.7C9D hh=69.1% @ 27.4 yds, hcombat=Y, tph=1553.5%, tloss=True, eshield=Y, riptide=4222, [COLOR=#ff0000]target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2[/COLOR] th=57.0%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:42.198 N] (Singular) Tidal Waves=1 and Audit=0 while casting 0
[19:54:43.206 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=99.8%, combat=Y, twaves=1, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], [COLOR=#ff0000]heal=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2[/COLOR] hh=51.8% @ 28.1 yds, hcombat=Y, tph=51.8%, tloss=True, eshield=N, riptide=0, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=51.8%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:43.206 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=99.8%, combat=Y, twaves=1, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], heal=lead.Paladin.7C9D hh=45.4% @ 27.4 yds, hcombat=Y, tph=1529.8%, tloss=True, eshield=Y, riptide=3213, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=51.8%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:43.207 N] (Singular) Tidal Waves=1 and Audit=0 while casting 0
[19:54:44.175 N] (Singular) Tidal Waves=0 and Audit=0 while casting 0
[19:54:44.277 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=99.8%, combat=Y, twaves=0, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], [COLOR=#ff0000]heal=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2[/COLOR] hh=19.3% @ 28.1 yds, hcombat=Y, tph=19.3%, tloss=True, eshield=N, riptide=0, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=19.3%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:44.277 N] (Singular) .... h=100.0%/m=99.8%, combat=Y, twaves=0, audtwaves=0, shield=WATER[54], heal=lead.Paladin.7C9D hh=18.7% @ 27.4 yds, hcombat=Y, tph=1503.0%, tloss=True, eshield=Y, riptide=2143, target=Bleeding Hollow Darkcaster.19B2 th=19.3%, 28.1 yds, face=True tloss=True, fs=0
[19:54:44.278 N] (Singular) Tidal Waves=0 and Audit=0 while casting 0
[19:54:44.926 N] [Singular] *Earth Shield on lead.Paladin.7C9D @ 19.0% at 25.9 yds
[19:54:45.064 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Your target is dead