*new* Singular available for download!
This release contains a fix for following non-PVP flagged players on a PVE realm!
Change History for this release appears below. Complete Change History as always is included in the .ZIP
See the
Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post for details on how to request assistance, post about a problem, or ask questions about the behavior of your botting session with Singular.
Still receiving too many bug/question posts regarding behavior users watched that don't contain a complete log file and point of reference to when a single event happened. So, no multi-color bright lights this time. Just a simple request to provide the detail.
Don't forget to use the LOGMARK! button. It is located on the Class Config window and will place a mark in the log file making it easy for you to indicate when something happened that you have a question about or problem with. This button provides the same behavior as the LOGMARK plugin. Having a problem while running Singular that you want to report? Click the LOGMARK button immediately when you notice. A line will be added to the log file at that time and now you have a very accurate way to let me know when the problem occurred.
Ok, now that's out of the way:
- Download the latest version of Singular.ZIP from Post #1 in this thread
- .ZIP in Singular thread will always be the current version
- HonorBuddy will contain an older version until a new release of HB posts
Any post must include a debug log file (a file created with Debug Logging set to true.) To do this, click Class Config and set the Debug Logging option to 'true' then run until you create the issue again. The resulting log file will contain more info than a standard log file which will be essential in understanding the decisions being made by Singular which you weren't expecting.
As always, the prior version is still available for download. If you encounter a problem due to the new release of Singular you can always downgrade as needed.
--- Release ---
*new* - Off-Healing - support for comprehensive off-healing added. Currently implemented for Shaman only; adding Druid, Monk, Paladin, and Priest in next release. Settings in Class Config -> General will control when off-healing is activated. Class specific settings on the Healing tab available for Off-Healing in PVP and Off-Healing in Groups
*new* - Off-Healing - settings to control what Health % causes player to begin off healer, and a recovery Helath % which causes DPS to leave off healer mode when reached and a live Healer is within range
*new* - Off-Healing - support for group healing in Normal context (using Off-Heal)
*new* - Off-Healign - support for including the Focus Target in the list of heal targets. Useful for specific encounters where a quest profile or dungeon script needs to heal a specific NPC or other friendly target that is not a group member
fixed - Heal Targeting - issue in Include and Remove heal target filters which were preventing inclusion of targets added by other filters in some circumstances
change- Healers - Raids: ignores value of Allow Healer DPS setting in Raids.
change- CurrentContext: is now cached rather than determined dynamically each time it is checked. refreshed each pulse or on map change
fixed - Ressurrection of Group Members: exception that occurred if player being rezzed released during your cast or your toon or target is kicked from the dungeon
Death Knight
change- Horn of Winter - has been added to CombatBuffs. This change required for use with botbases or profiles that throw Death Knight into combat without invoking the Pull Behavior
change- Feral - Instances: Symbiosis will favor following priority: Holy Paladin > Prot Paladin > Prot Warrior > Monk > Priest > Shaman > Warrior > Death Knight
fixed - Feral - Instances: improved use of cooldowns (previously was not making full use of Nature's Vigil or casting Tiger's Fury when other cooldowns were a few seconds from being available)
fixed - Guardian - Wild Charge casts would often fail due to being out of range. Range check revised so this error should be rare
fixed - Arcane - revised Instance rotation
fixed - Frost - revised Instance rotation
fixed - Frost - use of Frozen Orb in all contexts
fixed - All Specs - Evocation being double cast
change- Protection - revised spell priority to remove Hammer of the Righteous as opener on single targets
change- Protection - revised spell priority to generate threat more quickly
change- Protection - revised AOE spell priority to cast Hammer of the Righteous on cooldown
fixed - All Specs - Pull: level 10 and 11 toons no longer move towards Sap target while not knowing Sap spell
change- All Specs - slight increase in range that Rogue will stealth at
change- Elemental - Solo Pull: fast attack sequence (used for areas with other players questing/grinding) now casts attack prior to setting Totems
change- Enhancement - Solo Pull: will cast Flame Shock if Unleash Flame is buffed or target is elite or non-trivial aoe pack
change- Enhancement - Flame Shock will not be cast if AOE is disabled to avoid DoT splash from Lava Lash
fixed - Enhancement - Instance AOE: revised to improve number of Fire Nova casts and damage
fixed - All Specs - Totems: improved logic for dropping totems on Pull
fixed - All Specs - correctly switches to Magma Totem for AOE combat
fixed - All Specs - shield twisting (changing current shield) limited to one cast per 8 seconds
fixed - All Specs - conversion of WoWTotemType to SpellID which was preventing cast of Searing Totem and would cause recast of Magma Totem before it expired
fixed - All Specs - failed Charge casts due to being out of range should be greatly reduced
*new* - Protection - "user error" displayed if attempting to bot a Prot Warrior without a shield equipped similar to warning for Subtlety and Assassination Rogues without daggers
change- Protection - additional abilities added to Pull behavior at lower priority than Shield Slam as a fail safe for people botting Prot Warriors without a shield.
fixed - Protection - adjusted range check on Thunder Clap, Dragon Roar, Piercing Howl, and Storm Bolt to factor in hitbox
Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the link at the top of this post for details.