It Stucks now for me
Log on into Farmer he has empty bags...switch to banker the bank rans from mail to ah again and again
here ist log
Log on into Farmer he has empty bags...switch to banker the bank rans from mail to ah again and again
here ist log
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: ArchaeologyBuddy
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: BGBuddy
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: DungeonBuddy
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: Gatherbuddy2
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: Grind Bot
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: Questing
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: Mixed Mode
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: PartyBot
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: Combat Bot
Neuer Bot hinzugef?gt!: ProfessionBuddy
Honorbuddy v2.5.6211.431 wurde gestartet!
Charakter ist level 85 Tauren Druid
Momentane Zone ist Orgrimmar
Bitte warte ein paar Sekunden w?hrend Honorbuddy initialisiert.
Initialisierung abgeschlossen
?ndere aktuelles Profil zu level 0 - 2147483647
PB 1.492: Adding TradeSkill Erste Hilfe
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei Styx.Bot.CustomBots.CombatBot.CreateCombatBehavior()
bei Styx.Bot.CustomBots.CombatBot.get_Root()
bei HighVoltz.Composites.PbRootComposite.set_SecondaryBot(BotBase value)
bei HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.Init()
PB 1.492: Adding TradeSkill Bergbau
PB 1.492: Done Loading Tradeskills.
?ndere aktuelles Profil zu level 0 - 2147483647
Bot wird gestartet!
PB 1.492: Loading profile Multiprofile.xml
PB 1.492: Preloading profile D:\Fraps\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\GatheringProfiles\Uldum\Alliance\(GB2)(Uldum.Nuetral)Mines&Herbs.xml
Chose Singular v3 $Revision: 763 $ as your combat routine.
[Singular] Starting Singular v2.5.6211.431
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] TalentManager - looks like a DruidFeral
PB 1.492: Adding TradeSkill Erste Hilfe
PB 1.492: Adding TradeSkill Bergbau
PB 1.492: Checking for new version
PB 1.492: Done Loading Tradeskills.
[Singular] Current spec is Druid Feral
[Singular] Building method list
[Singular] Added 201 methods
[Singular] Matched CreateFeralNormalCombat to behavior Combat for Druid Druid Feral with priority 0
[Singular] Matched CreateLowbieDruidCombat to behavior Combat for Druid Druid Feral with priority 0
[Singular] Matched CreateFeralNormalPull to behavior Pull for Druid Druid Feral with priority 0
[Singular] Matched CreateLowbieDruidPull to behavior Pull for Druid Druid Feral with priority 0
[Singular] Matched CreateBalanceAndDruidFeralRest to behavior Rest for Druid Druid Feral with priority 0
[Singular] Matched CreateDruidPreCombatBuff to behavior PreCombatBuffs for Druid Druid Feral with priority 0
[Singular] Behaviors created!
?ndere aktuelles Profil zu level 0 - 2147483647
PB 1.492: No updates found
?ndere aktuelles Profil zu level 1 - 86
Multiprofile: Made by HighVoltz
*************** Settings ****************
Multiprofile: SwitchToBanker: True
Multiprofile: DepositGoldInGbank: True
Multiprofile: MinMinutesPerZone: 120
Multiprofile: MaxMinutesPerZone: 240
Multiprofile: RandomZones: False
Multiprofile: DepositInGbank: False
Multiprofile: CancelAuctions: True
Multiprofile: Max Stack Number: 100
***************** Zones *****************
Multiprofile: Hyjal: True
Multiprofile: Twilight: True
Multiprofile: Uldum: True
Multiprofile: Deepholm: False
Multiprofile: Vashjir: False
Multiprofile: I will spend 188 minutes in this zone
Multiprofile: Loading profile for zone: Twilight
Changing current profile to level 1 - 86
?ndere aktuelles Profil zu level 1 - 86
PB 1.492: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
Multiprofile: Switching to banker
[Gatherbuddy2]: Gathebuddy2 nach dem Sammeln von 0 Elementen in 0h 0m 5s beendet
?ndere aktuelles Profil zu level 1 - 86
PB 1.492: Done Loading Tradeskills.
Multiprofile: Made by HighVoltz
*************** Settings ****************
Multiprofile: SwitchToBanker: True
Multiprofile: DepositGoldInGbank: True
Multiprofile: MinMinutesPerZone: 120
Multiprofile: MaxMinutesPerZone: 240
Multiprofile: RandomZones: False
Multiprofile: DepositInGbank: False
Multiprofile: CancelAuctions: True
Multiprofile: Max Stack Number: 100
***************** Zones *****************
Multiprofile: Hyjal: True
Multiprofile: Twilight: True
Multiprofile: Uldum: True
Multiprofile: Deepholm: False
Multiprofile: Vashjir: False
Multiprofile: Loading profile for zone: Twilight
Changing current profile to level 1 - 86
Changing current profile to level 1 - 86