and do nothings (not moving at all)StyxWoW.AreaManager.CurrentGrindArea is null
StyxWoW.AreaManager.CurrentGrindArea is null
[00:06:37.295 D] Fishing1-600: Leveling Fishing to 600
[00:06:39.407 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[19:06:39.705]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:39.705 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:41.953]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:41.915 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:41.953 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:44.390]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:44.350 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:44.390 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:46.729]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:46.697 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:46.729 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:49.556]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:49.524 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:49.556 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:52.139]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:52.106 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:52.132 D] Activity: Fishing level: 461
[00:06:52.133 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 131474, KnownIndex: 197
[00:06:52.139 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:54.570]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:54.537 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:54.570 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:56.875]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:56.843 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:56.875 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:06:59.845]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:06:59.812 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:06:59.845 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
[19:07:02.600]Fishing1-600: ,Facing towards water[00:07:02.566 D] PB 1.538: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[00:07:02.600 D] Fishing1-600: Facing towards water
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Jewel Danio" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Spinefish" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Tiger Gourami" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Jade Lungfish" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Giant Mantis Shrimp" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Reef Octopus" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Emperor Salmon" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Krasarang Paddlefish" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="0" Type="Int16" Name="Redbelly Mandarin" Summary="How Many Fish" Category="MoP Fishing" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<While Condition="true" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<While Condition="InbagCount(74863) < (Int16)Settings["Jewel Danio"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="HBProfiles\MoP Shopping List - Fish\[N] [AA2] Jewel Danio - Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Rad.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(83064) < (Int16)Settings["Spinefish"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(74861) < (Int16)Settings["Tiger Gourami"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="HBProfiles\MoP Shopping List - Fish\[N] [AA2] Tiger Gourami - Kun-Lai Summit - Rad.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(74856) < (Int16)Settings["Jade Lungfish"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="HBProfiles\MoP Shopping List - Fish\[N] [AA2] Jade Lungfish - The Jade Forest - Rad.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(74857) < (Int16)Settings["Giant Mantis Shrimp"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="HBProfiles\MoP Shopping List - Fish\[N] [AA2] Giant Mantis Shrimp - Karasang Wilds - Rad.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(74864) < (Int16)Settings["Reef Octopus"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="HBProfiles\MoP Shopping List - Fish\[N] [AA2] Reef Octopus - Karasang Wilds - Rad.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(74859) < (Int16)Settings["Emperor Salmon"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="HBProfiles\MoP Shopping List - Fish\[N] [AA2] Emperor Salmon - VoFW - Rad.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(74865) < (Int16)Settings["Krasarang Paddlefish"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="HBProfiles\MoP Shopping List - Fish\[N] [AA2] Krasarang Paddlefish - VoFW - Rad.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount(74860) < (Int16)Settings["Redbelly Mandarin"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<ChangeBotAction BotName="AutoAngler" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="" />
<FlyToAction Dismount="True" Location="1642.751, 862.6147, 473.7736" />
<ChangeBotAction BotName="Combat Bot" />
pushcan you plz update the Protected Items.xml.
Hi i have a problem with PB i been looking all the post and i see a few other have the same problem but noone helped so i hope i get help here is the logfile.
this is the problem i have but as said i also add logfile.
Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: Typen 'HighVoltz.PbProfileSettings' findes b?de i 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844853022414.dll' og 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844886294317.dll'
Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: Typen 'HighVoltz.Dynamic.Helpers' findes b?de i 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844853022414.dll' og 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844886294317.dll'
Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: Typen 'HighVoltz.DataStore' findes b?de i 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844853022414.dll' og 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844886294317.dll'
Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: Typen 'HighVoltz.Dynamic.HBRelogApi' findes b?de i 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844853022414.dll' og 'c:\Users\Thomas Madsen\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\CompiledAssemblies\Professionbuddy_634917844886294317.dll'
I use ProfessіonBuddy. But after almost every use of the portal HB was crash. How I can write the code that would Shrine of Two Moons and Shrine of Seven Stars were capital?
So did but not working:
<CustomAction Code="CityZoneID = Me.IsAlliance? 6142:6141;" />
Could you add item quailty to sell armor/weapon to ah?
also an option to vendor groups of items like the Sell to AH has? for example Items>Consumables>Scrolls
and an awesome default protected items list would be great!
<Declaration Code="uint param1=0;" />
<CustomAction Code="param1 = 52327;" />
<PutItemInBankAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Elemental" Deposit="All" UseCategory="False" Bank="Guild" [B][U]ItemID="param1"[/U][/B] GuildTab="0" NpcEntry="0" Amount="0" AutoFindBank="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />